YORKSHIRE CENTRE wwwmgccyorkshire.co.ukScribe Ray Snowley ‘sno500@outlook.com’
North – Jeff Marsden
There were 9 crews that turned up for David Nunn’s evening run. We arrived early to The Tempest as a 7pm start was directed. The scenic run was around Bolton Abbey, Beamsley, and Ilkley, and back to the pub. The weather was atrocious, but we drove through the rain and took
In some stunning scenery. Only 2 crews got lost, arriving back for an early drink.
On our return, we chatted about the visit to Terry Till’s military museum the previous week kindly organised by Robin and Anne Askew, and joining with the Morgan Owners Club, Robin and Anne will also be organising our next Natter event, the Pride of Ownership, also to be held at The Tempest Arms. The remainder of the evening was a social chat.
East – Jill Thornton
It was a good job the Pride of Ownership was postponed at the June Natter, as it poured with rain!! Hopefully the weather was kinder to us in July. Results will be posted in next month’s SF.
We welcomed a new member at the June social run and Natter. Peter May, who is a friend of ours. He was so impressed with the warm and friendly welcome he received, that he sold his BMW and bought an MG TF!!
The May and June social runs were well attended, finishing as usual at a pub.
Following the July social, the final evening social run of the season is on Thursday 29th August,
leaving as now usual from the Fire Station car park in Beverley, last car away by 7pm.
Vale Of York – James Thornborough.
So enjoyable was the summer weather, that members were delighted to stay outdoors for a good while, basking in the sunshine. One MG, a bright red TF caused quite a stir, because we could not attribute the owner. Ever prepared to recruit new members, I decided to try to locate the mystery owner, but to no avail. My search came to nothing.
Imagine the surprise of that owner, if he/she had emerged to find a car park full of MG’s. My own surprise MG sighting earlier in the day was a 54 plate Firefrost Red TF Spark Limited Edition, seen driving around Ripon Market Square. I so wanted to speak with the owner and admire his MG, but as with many happenstance sightings, you rarely get the chance to meet and chat. That is the beauty of Natter meetings, we get to see the cars we love and socialize with the people that cherish them.
South – Rob Mitchell
Natter members gathered ‘alfresco’ in the grounds of The Old Post Office, in anticipation of this
Year’s Pride of Ownership Award. Once again, difficult voting choices had to be made but in the
End, of the 16 gorgeous cars entered, Chris Worsman picked up the trophy for his recently restored MG B GT V8. [pictured]
We also welcomed Dave and Pat Bambury, proud owners of a lovely, low mileage, MG TF. We hope to see you again and join us on one of the many planned trips and events over the Summer.
Speaking of which, entry forms for two of these runs, the Dales Run on 18th August can now be
Found on Centre web site and information for the Compass Run on 4th August will be sent out
towards the end of July. Please mark your diaries.
Finally, thank you to In Wilson of the Tiger Natter, who organised the joint visit to Sherburn Aero
Club, near Leeds on 13th June [pictured]