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The Alan Dakeyne MGCC 94th Anniversary Run (+ Lunch + Natter + Fancy-Dress Headgear Competition)

This year the calendar managed to coincide with our Club’s actual birthday, so the event held on Saturday 12th October felt rather special.

20 cars gathered at The Scotts Arms in Sicklinghall, just west of Wetherby when, after refreshments and signing-on, the ‘competitive’ part of our day got underway. Fancy dress headgear was donned by all with much hilarity for the self-judging process to begin.

We managed to field a wide range of MGs ranging from 1934 to 2023, plus a couple of interloping other marques, representing East, South, West, Vale of York and 24/39 Group natters.

The dual aspect of this event, celebrating the inaugural MGCC meeting back in 1930 and the memory of our much-missed late Centre President Alan Dakeyne, was poignantly brought home by the entry of two significant cars. Alan’s old 1957 ZB Magnette brought along by its current owner Tony Duffy and the 1934 PA Midget of Tony Wild that was originally owned by John Thornley, one of our Club’s founder members, who bought it new when he was employed at Abingdon.

Cars set off for a 59-mile circular scenic tour to view the famous Five Rise Locks on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal at Bingley. Returning to the Scotts Arms around 2.00pm.

the majority of entrants stayed on for lunch and an informal natter where the results of our Fancy-Dress Headgear competition was announced. In third place were Tony Wild and Catherine McCafferty (24/39 Group). In second place were Neil and Julie Whiteley (West Yorks). But the runaway winners were Alan’s two sons, Chris and Jon Dakeyne. The irony of this wasn’t lost on many as it was Chris and Jon who donated the trophy to the Yorkshire Centre from Alan’s past possessions.

Photographs Steve Poutney, David Copeman, Terry Hartley


G-George Day

G-George Day        Saturday 24th August 2024


Once again, the Real Aeroplane Club kindly invited MGCC Yorkshire Centre members to bring along their MGs to take part in their G-George Day 1940s event at Breighton airfield.

Seventeen cars met up at stages on route and we parked next to the airfield ready to be up close to the thrilling sight and sound of some rare vintage aircraft. Eight cars represented the 24/39 Group, three from Vale of York, three from East Yorks and two from North Yorks. We added to the vintage atmosphere with a good age spread (1932 – 1980) illustrating the MG marque over six decades. Sadly, no representation of the post Abingdon models!

As well as seeing some rare WW2 aircraft (Spitfire and Dakota to name but two) there were lots of bi-planes, the oldest still flying Chipmunk and a thrilling display by the Para’s Red Devils team. Jumping from the Dakota, authentic or what!

Stationery vintage engines fired up for demo runs through the day. Some of the RAC’s hangars were open to view plus patriotic Brass Band music and Lindy Hop dancing for the more energetic.

Terry Hartley

WOLDSWAY RUN 12th May 2024
Cavalcade 100

MGCC MG100 Cavalcade Yorkshire Centre Leg

Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May 2024

Several Yorkshire Centre entrants arrived in Richmond, North Yorkshire the day before our event started, to meet up with Tyne -Tees Centre members after they finished their ‘leg’. An informal joint natter/supper had been organised between the two centres and a great time was had by all. No sign of Cecil though…. obviously he was in need of an early night!

Our first day saw 34 MGs ranging from 1931 to 2015 assemble in Richmond’s historic marketplace in lovely bright sunshine. The official handover of ‘Cecil’ completed; cars were flagged away by Chairman David Copeman to enjoy the splendours of motoring through Yorkshire Dales scenery at its best. Some drivers experiencing the challenges of Buttertubs Pass and Fleet Moss for the first time, and all with a big smile at the end!

The first day’s drive finished just south of Harrogate, the same spot where our Day 2 drive would start. 24 MGs set off again in lovely bright sunshine to drive east and around the northern outskirts of York, before enjoying the scenic Yorkshire Wolds. We visited the Robert Fuller Gallery in Thixendale to be impressed with his wildlife artworks and view his live camera feeds from secret nesting locations. Back out on the road we continued our drive through gentle Wolds backwaters before finishing at Maple Garage, just east of Hull. Maple very kindly arranged a welcome reception for us before ‘Cecil’ and a few continuants made their way south over the Humber Bridge, to meet up with the Lincolnshire Centre.

Photographs courtesy of Carol Copeman, Terry Hartley, Geoff Kirk, Keith Jackson & Bob Walker




Daffodil Run 2024

MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre – Daffodil Run 2024

Another fantastic day was enjoyed by 66 car entrants who once again gathered at the Fox Valley starting point in Stocksbridge, near Sheffield.

The sun – yes, sun, always makes a difference and those who had clearly spent the entire previous day polishing their pride and joy were rightly proud. Others with the ability and bravery to have their roof down even reported minor doses of sunburn by the end of the day.

At the appointed time, cars from every decade from the 1930s to the 2010s were waved off under the Yorkshire Centre flag. Thank you to the glamorous assistants, who enthusiastically carried out this important duty.

This year, our Tulip instructions took us through the stunning scenery to the west of Sheffield, traversing the West Yorkshire and Peak District borders; taking in the views of the Derwent and Ladybower Reservoirs, famously associated with the RAF’s 617 Dambuster Squadron.

Provided no wrong turnings were made, the run should have been 71.6 miles. Hands up those who crept over this, by a tiny amount.

As always, the runs are designed with a mix of slow and slighter faster roads and the route certainly gave us chance to enjoy driving our cars, giving each component a good work-out but also ample opportunity to take in the scenery, stop for a picnic, a pub refreshment – or in one case, pop the bonnet for running repair ….

To someone still relatively new to MG ownership like me, its a shame when the Finishing Point looms but the cream tea, a chance to share experiences with fellow participants and a look round the fabulous Cannon Hall Farm in Barnsley made up for this.

As always, there’s a lot of effort goes into organising these runs and once again, Malcolm Perry excelled at making the day thoroughly enjoyable. A big thank you too to all the volunteer marshals, helpers, those who put the navigation packs together and the ladies at the signing-in desk who always have a good word of wisdom to the newbies.

We should also thank the volunteers from Marie Curie Cancer Care, our supporting charity, who not only raised £344 on the day but also seemed to enjoy themselves with their turn with the flag.

These are great days out and if you are thinking of getting in touch or tempted to visit your local Natter, please do so – there are lots more great events planned as we go through the year.


Tigers on Tour Dunsley Hall
2024 Awards & AGM

The Awards Lunch and presentation were held at the Bridge Inn Walshford which is close to Wetherby where 57 members including the MG Car Club vice Chairman Lorraine Nobel-Thompson enjoyed a 3 course lunch.

After lunch for the first time since covid the AGM was held with Colin Brear standing down after 5 years as Yorkshire Centre Chairman and David Copeman being voted in as the next Centre Chairman.

Dales Run

MGCC Yorkshire Centre Dales Run

27th August 2023

The build up to the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Dales Run was not without its problems in 2023. The usual start venue could not be used due to proposed renovations over the August bank holiday period. An alternative was eventually found, the Craven Heifer, with food at the start, a large car park, food at the finish and within reasonable reach of the usual start point. Keith Pinder and Peter Long re-worked the route to suit the new start point and Malcolm Perry created entry forms and instructions which were posted on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Web site. Entries were slow right the way up to end of June and then we were informed that the Craven Heifer would be closing down with immediate effect, 3 days notice!!


Once again the team were out trying to find a suitable venue only to find that they were fully booked over the Bank Holiday weekend. At the last minute a message from one of the entrants indicated that the Buck Inn at Buckden could be a place to try. As the Dales team went to check it out it was obvious that the car park was not the usual size needed to take up to 90 cars! However, after further checks found no alternatives and we were now running out of time to find a suitable start point, we were left with no choice but to accept the offer of food at the start, food at the finish and, with support from the Buck Inn staff, we believed that, by operating a shift system of split times for entrants to arrive, we could JUST get away with a 20-25 car sized car park! Several entrants pulled out of the Dales Run 2023 due to the change of start point but Keith and Peter once again set about changing the route to suit the new start point.


After a much slower run of entries than in previous years, we finally had 63 cars registered to start the Dales Run 2023.


Leaving the Buck Inn in dry but threatening weather we headed North East towards Aysgarth, the home of the famous Falls. Other names featured in our route made famous in the 70s and 80s by the TV series “all Creatures Great and Small” include; Askrigg, Muker, Hawes and Carperby where much of the filming took place and featured in our route.


From here the scenery opened out as our journey took us through expansive moors and rolling hills and eventually past the Tan Hill Inn, a refreshment stop. At 1732 feet above sea level the Inn is the highest pub in Great Britain and is at the highest point of the Pennine Way.


Driving down the spectacular Arkengarth Dale, the lowest point of the Dale, made itself known with a Ford to drive through, but today it did not hold not as much water as expected. More than could be said of the clouds as they spasmodically dropped their showers in the Dales, resulting in hoods up and down all day for some while the hardy few deftly avoided a soaking with careful timing. We turned off at another historic Inn, the Charles Bathurst Inn, known locally as the CB Inn. Charles Bathurst was the Lord of the Manor in the 18th Century and created several lead mines in the area. The lead “pigs” produced there were all marked “CB” and so the initials were used regularly in the Dale at that time. From there we moved on past Simonstone Hall Hotel, now known as the place where Jeremy Clarkson had an altercation with one of the “Top Gear” crew which brought about the temporary demise of the programme and led to others taking it over. Finally we approached Settle, famous for one end of the scenic railway journey so nearly lost a few years ago when closure was threatened. This is a busy market town but with careful route plotting (thanks Keith and Pete) we all negotiated the centre without any hold ups or difficulties. There was plenty more to see and enjoy in the final ten miles as we squeezed every last drop of beautiful views out of this particularly picturesque route, arriving back at the Buck Inn via Kirkby Malham and Airton.


Many thanks to all those who entered, the Dales Run team fully appreciate the support after such an eventful year trying to make sure this excellent run through the best of the Yorkshire Dales continued. All donations given once again going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity in support of the work they do in and around Yorkshire.


Geoff Norcliffe & Mike Breedon.


The Cumbria trip, administered by Geoff and Pauline Norcliffe, saw 8 cars and 16 Natter members enjoy 3 days away which included a very nice 90 mile route prepared by the proprietor of the Fat Lamb, Ravenstonedale. Great times socialising over dinner and in the bar after was an enjoyable part of the trip. The Fat Lamb proved to be ideal stopping place for the SY Natter enthusiasts for a very enjoyable 3 days away in mostly very nice weather.


It was a great night, everybody enjoying it, we really needed a lot more practice. Rosemary Croft won the ladies and Mike Payne the men’s. Bowling was followed by a well-deserved curry and a drink. You missed a superb night!


The annual Daffodil Run, established and organised under the MGCC Yorkshire Centre banner, was prepared and managed by members of the South Yorkshire Natter again for 2023. The nominated Charity for the event was once again the Marie Curie Cancer Care organisation. We did our best to organise some sunshine but the best we could manage was a dry but slightly overcast day, we cannot win ‘em all every year!!

Thanks again to Malcolm and Denise Perry who worked hard to find a different set of roads to use for 2023 to offer a 71 mile run. There were 56 entrants and 103 people to enjoy the sights and scenery around Yorkshire and Derbyshire’s challenging country roads with a range of cars from Frank & Julie Shore’s 1946 MG TC through to 2 x 2019 MG3’s. Fox Valley Centre, Stocksbridge, once again gave ample parking for the start with facilities arranged for the signing on, for those wishing to take on “extra fuel” before setting off there was early access to tea/coffee and a bacon sandwich if needed. Entrants were asked to depart no later than 1000 which gave plenty of time to enjoy the scenery along the A628 Woodhead Pass viewing several reservoirs as they drove before taking in some lovely rolling scenery along country roads towards Glossop, through the lovely sounding Chapel en le Frith into Derbyshire via Chatsworth House Grounds with an option to stop and explore there if required.

On leaving the Chatsworth grounds the route followed major “A” roads and country roads until they came to a stretch of single track road where, unfortunately the winter had had an adverse effect on the surface. Having never met any traffic on initial and individual recce or on the final recce 4 days before the event although we did come across a funny incident when we were delayed quite a while when a local lady in her car held a long discussion with another local walking his dog. They were not going to be disturbed just because we had arrived!! On the actual day of the run drivers were met by a group of trials riders out on an official trials event coming from the opposite direction, which proved “interesting” to say the least but, everyone got through.

The final leg of the route took in more of the outskirts of Derby through Cromford and past the Cromford Canal area until reaching the final arranged destination, the Great British Car Journey venue. Here we had been allocated our own parking area for all the cars on the run, a negotiated tea/coffee and scone as well as discounted entry to the exhibits. The support given by the team at GBCJ venue was excellent. Many, mainly the males on the run, took up the option to go round the exhibits which I have to say are all in stunning condition (no disrespect ladies, you seem to have enjoyed a long chat together in the café from what I saw, and why not indeed). This is a venue well worth a visit for anyone wishing to see well preserved older classic and everyday British cars.

It has been a pleasure to hear the comments and thanks from many of the entrants on the run which is really welcomed by those involved in putting events such as this on. For more events like this one, visit

Mike Breedon, South Yorkshire Natter Leader,

Yorkshire Centre Awards 2023

The Yorkshire Centre Awards Luncheon was took place on the 19th February 2023 at The Bridge Inn & Spa at Walshford.

Sixty plus members from across the Yorkshire centre gathered for lunch followed by the presentation of the awards,

Liege Brescia Liege 2022

Liege Brescia Liege 2022

John and Sue Wylie entered their 1949 TC in the Liege Brescia Liege Rally, a retrospective event following the original route of the 1950’s rallies. Driving over 2300 miles through Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and Slovenia, over as many alpine passes as possible, plus the Stelvio and Gavia  in both directions just make sure!

They entered the MG event in 2020 to celebrate their 70th birthdays (that’s Sue’s, John’s and the TC’s), but covid delayed the rally for 2 years. The competitors ranged from their single TC, a TD, a TF, 2 MGA’s, more MGB’s, MGC’s, 2 Midgets and various modern F/TF’s. The entries were mainly from UK with a couple from Belgium and France.

The route had to be plotted onto the Touring Maps supplied choosing the shortest route between town or village names listed in the Roadbook. This was no easy task due to the small map scale, but a list of place names were included on the reverse of each map saving time and eye strain! The Start Time Control was in the hotel foyer each morning and Finish Time Control in the next hotel on route with up to one hour lateness allowed.

The Roadbook contained Passage Controls which consisted of photographs of a car parked in front of various historical buildings, churches, lay-bys, bus stops, road signs and even small shrines of which there were hundreds! It could be straightforward if you were on the correct road, but finding the correct road especially tracks (whites) through farmland and forests was difficult! Then there were roadworks which diverted you miles away from your intended route to the village you had to pass through.

The hotels were great 4 or 5 star with pools, spa’s, gym’s and some with spectacular views, even a converted palace in Brescia, we were taken there by our own Police Motorcycle Escorts travelling through red lights, major junctions, etc. non-stop at considerably more than 50kph!!

Many great roads, beautiful scenery and glorious weather ranging from 30c to 38c for 10 days, ideal TC driving weather

MG Car Club 92nd Anniversary Tour 9th-11th October 2022

MG Car Club’s 92nd Anniversary – Yorkshire Centre celebratory Tour of the Yorkshire Wolds.

So, what’s that special about the club’s 92nd Anniversary? Well, nothing really, it’s just that this event should have taken place two years earlier to celebrate our club’s 90th Anniversary and that would have been special. But we all know what happened back in 2020!!!

The 24/39 Group thought it would be appropriate to celebrate – in a special way – the 90th Anniversary of the MG Car Club and invite other Yorkshire Centre natter members, plus a few club guests from outside our area, to participate in a three-day touring event. The idea was to try and have a broad range of MGs enter that represented the MGCC’s activity over its full 90 years.  Volunteers stepped forward: Bob Walker, Keith Jackson, Andrew Morton, Nigel Wilson and Terry Hartley, then Covid 19 put a restraint on plans! Undaunted, a ‘better late than never’ spirit prevailed and the event was finally arranged for 9th – 11th October 2022, the closest we could get to the club’s actual birthday on 12th October.

The Yorkshire Wolds was chosen as the area to be explored. It was less well known (to us) than our regular vintage motoring haunts such as The Dales, North York Moors, or the Lake District and the landscape is surprisingly different. The Yorkshire Wolds form an arc from Flamborough Head to Malton and then south to the Humber Estuary. It is limestone and chalk which has good drainage so there are steep sided dry valleys with gently rolling plateaus. From the escarpments there are views to the west of the Vale of York and to the north can be seen Pickering and the North York Moors.

Participants assembled at The Scotts Arms pub near to Wetherby (welcoming home of our regular natter).  12 MGs gathered at the start and after the customary briefing they set off to follow a well-ordered set of route instructions. They would be joined by 2 more at our planned lunch stop in Howden and another 2 on reaching our hotel base in South Cave. This outward journey traversed the rather flat lands where many of the rivers (Swale/Ure/Nidd/Foss/Wharfe/Derwent/Ouse) make their way to the Humber Estuary. Vast expanses of fields and dykes that present illogical bends and corners between the many pretty villages.

A different type of driving was required, not many hills so less gear changes but plenty of steering as roads criss-crossed through small villages, eventually reaching the historic town of Howden with its beautiful abbey and colourful stained-glass windows. Then after a refreshment stop the route took a short detour to the flood barriers of the Humber before travelling east to our destination, Cave Castle Hotel at South Cave near to Hull. The evening was informal with good food and lots of opportunity to meet fellow entrants, catching up on news and stories about troublesome engines and clutches.

Our main event on the following day started with an autumn chill and wet cars because of overnight rain. The shammy leathers were out and the day quickly warmed up and the sun shone. The route took us northwards, eventually to the pretty market town of Malton (self-proclaimed food capital of Yorkshire). Undulating secondary roads enabled distant views which were enhanced by big blue skies. A stopping point for inspiration was the studio of Robert Fuller who is a remarkable nature lover and photographer/artist. His studio is based at Thixendale village where six chalk grassland valleys converge. With welcoming cups of tea/coffee provided for all we were able to see live streaming from dozens of cameras that he and his team have installed in nearby (secret) locations. Stoats, owls, squirrels, are presented to you and his enthusiasm is infectious. Malton was another 18 miles away where more substantial food was available. The return journey to South Cave went past Castle Howard and wove through the contours of the western escarpments with a final easy dash back to the hotel. Our Gala Dinner that evening was slightly more formal but the usual MG comradery pervaded until the need for rest and recovery called.

On the final morning another misty morning greeted the participants. After a photocall the cars headed out and on their way. This time we were making our way to Kirkham Abbey via another attractive route northward through Pocklington and up to the hills. The route planners were quite smug at the quality of their instructions which had been well received. However, a temporary road closure of a short street in Pocklington broke the near perfect record.  Mayhem ensued for the next few miles as drivers and navigators tried to get back on track. Most passed the unplanned initiative test with flying colours but a small handful only reached B grade standard. We all converged for lunch at The Stone Trough Inn next to Kirkham Abbey, overlooking the river Derwent, where the owners (away on honeymoon) had ensured that their staff gave us 5-star treatment. The short event had been appreciated by all and after the farewells participants dispersed homewards.

The organisers need not have worried about any seasonal weather risk. We had 3 glorious days of open top driving. As for our original intention to attract a broad range of MG entries to illustrate our club’s activities over the past 90+ years, well, we think that (with a few exceptions) we got close!

Of the 16 MGs entered dates ranged from 1931 to 2016 and included:

F Magna (3), PA Midget (2), PB Midget (1), ND Magnette (1), NB Cresta Magnette (1), VA (1), TF 1500 (1), ZB Magnette (1), B Roadster (1), BGT (1), RV8 (1), ZT-T (1), MG3 (1).

Our thanks to all who entered.

Keith Jackson and Terry Hartley

Photographs Supplied by Keith Jackson, Andrew Morton, Terry Hartley & Carol Copeman




Richard and Jill Coates, Adrian and Christine Benson, agreed that it would be an idea to follow the tradition of having a fish and chip yearly run (organised by Adrian and Christine) which had been done over the last few years. However, it was changed to a Pie and Chip run.

DAY ONE – Six MGs arrived at 10.00 am at Naburn Marina for a lovely breakfast including coffee/tea to start our day. We all set off in the sun, hood down, turning right out of the Marina, following an indirect route to Stamford Bridge. By this time hoods were up and rain descending. Right over the bridge and taking the road to Sand Hutton, the heavens opened and made driving impossible. The rain was running down the road bringing with it gravel, twigs, and other debris, making us feel very vulnerable. Eventually driving was possible again and we set of on single track roads, grass in the middle and finishing in Helmsley for coffee/lunch. After lunch we set off again out of Helmsley left up Carlton Road, over Barnsdale Moor, still raining, narrow road and with gates. We went onto Kirkbymoorside, then onto Wombleton, Nunnington, over Aldwark Bridge paying 40p toll in order to cross it. We then finished our first day at The Bridge Hotel, Walshford. We enjoyed our evening meal together ready to meet up again for breakfast and the second day of our run.

DAY TWO – We left Walshford, sunshining, hoods down on our way to cross the river Ouse at Cawood swing bridge. We wended our way through lots of narrow roads until we arrived for a break at The Gait Inn, Millington for refreshments. We moved on through Millington Pastures enjoying the sunshine, onto Thixendale valley and onto Sledmere Hall where we all met up. We then made our way towards the East Coast via Butterwick and Sherburn in time for our Pie and Chips at the Piebald Inn, Hunmanby. We then headed home, having enjoyed our meal and also the camaraderie of our fellow MG owners. Thinking caps on now for next year’s run.

Christine Benson




 After South Yorkshire Natter members took on a Coast to Coast Run followed by a ferry to the Isle of Man over 7 days in 2021, having unanimously decided that was very successful, plans went into action over the winter for something else in 2022. This time 21 members and 11 cars chose Wales in September 2022 for the “Red Dragon Tour”. Starting in Landrindod Wells for 3 nights followed by 3 more nights at a hotel in the countryside around Tal-Y-Llyn.

Everyone free to choose their routes to Llandrindod Wells but just 1 hour from home came the first stop option, The Peak Café, Macclefield, for breakfast!! Resuscitated, we headed to the 2nd stop at Attingham Park, Shrewsbury, for a look round this historic country house and grounds, classed as the most popular National Trust property in 20/21.

Prior arrangements with the Metropole Hotel saw a specially allocated space ready in the car park just for the 11 varied MG models on this trip for the 3 nights. Eventually joined by a significant number of Nayor TF’s, also on a separate tour of Wales. With many options open for individuals to explore I offered an opportunity to join me on a visit to the hides at the Gigrin Farm Red Kite Feeder Station and was surprised when 16 members joined me!! Who knew, MG enthusiasts like wildlife too!! A few hours watching over 100 Red Kites twisting and turning to pick up a free meal was quite a site.

Vaughan Rich  produced an older route for people to follow which took in the beautiful scenery and reservoirs around the Elan Valley and on to Aberystwyth which several people opted to do. After the run some took an opportunity to explore the older architecture in Llandrindod Wells, the Powys Administrative Centre and a former 19th century spa town.

Leaving Llandrindod Wells, people took different routes to slowly make their way to the beautiful lakeside setting of the Tyn-Y-Cornel Hotel, for three more nights. Most stopping off at the Talyllyn Heritage narrow gauge steam railway to ride the train over its 7.25 mile route and back again before heading on to the hotel. No one could be disappointed with the view from just outside the front door of the hotel, a stunning view across a lake, hills and countryside.

From this hotel it was more about open countryside, museums, guided tours and whatever individuals chose to explore. A trip to a Slate Museum, an underground experience in an old slate mine or just driving around the beautiful countryside on gentle twisting roads, everyone entirely free to choose their own preferred options to enjoy.

All too soon the 7 days were over and after a lot of socialising after dinner each evening, all the places, drives and scenery members had enjoyed, it was time to head home with memories and lots to chat about. We loved the trip to Wales, it did not disappoint!! Now to plan next year’s adventure!

Mike Breedon

DALES RUN 28th August 2022


Dales Run 28th August 2022 Review

After 17 years of organising the Dales Run for MGCC Yorkshire Centre, Paul and Rosemary Croft decided time had come to hand over to someone else. These are big shoes to fill but a new organising team was formed and the 2022 event went ahead on 28th August.

Gathering at the regular start venue at the Bay Horse, Skipton, were 87 cars, mostly MGs and a few other classic marques. The route offered two options, a short route of 95 miles or one of 121 miles for the intrepid, allowing entrants to choose during the run.

The route set out to the West of Skipton passing through Gargrave and on through the picturesque Forest of Bowland before turning North heading to Ingleton at the heart of the three peaks region. The town was a strategic settlement in Roman times after the Romans defeated the Brigantes settlers who had established the town in the Iron Age. Our run continued North to Dent via very scenic gated roads and this area shows evidence of Viking settlements; history shows we always had many visitors to Yorkshire, although strictly speaking since boundary changes, Dent is now in Cumbria!  Veering North East we headed to Hawes, famous for Wensleydale Cheese and Hardraw Force, the longest waterfall in England at 100 ft. which is accessed via the Green Dragon pub.

It is here where the entrants chose on the long route or the short route. The shorter route turned South East through the Yorkshire Dales Park and on to Kettlewell. While the longer route option carried on North towards Muker then East to Reeth, a pretty village with a large green and opportunities for the Dales Runners to stay a while for lunch if they did not choose to stay in Hawes. The South Easterly route pressed on to the famous market town of Leyburn and the nearby race horse training centre of Middleham.

The drivers went on to the village of Kettlewell, rejoining the route adopted by those taking the short route, before the spectacular roads through Grassington where parts of the latest TV series of “All Creatures Great and Small” is filmed. The final run in back to the Bay Horse in Skipton completed the run for either of the route options taken, with welcome refreshment to complete the day.

The Dales Run has always supported Yorkshire Air Ambulance and has raised over £15,000 so far and in keeping with this tradition entrants were invited to make a voluntarily contribution to the charity. The YAA were present at the start of the run selling their goods and providing collection boxes. The Centre will also be making an additional contribution to YAA, providing ongoing support for this worthy cause.

The new organisers, South Yorkshire Natter members, should feel proud of themselves for continuing this popular event and entrants thanked Pete Long and Keith Pinder for a great route, Malcolm Perry and Mike Breedon for the administration, route book compilation and rally plaque production, plus significant help from Ted and Deborah Fergusson. Julian and Marjorie Rogan completed the team by proof testing the routes. Special thanks go to Paul Croft, the team’s consultant, providing great knowledge and advice.

Written by Geoff Norcliffe

Photographs taken by Paul Croft with his permission to right click to down load the photograph of your car

"Tigers on Tour" 21st-23rd July 2022

MGCC YORKSHIRE CENTRE TIGER NATTER – “Tigers on Tour” Richard and Jill Coates, MGCC Yorkshire Centre, Tiger Natter members, organise a short MG tour to Cumbria for 21-23 July 2022 much to the delight of 20 Natter members. Aptly named “Tigers on Tour”, the 10 cars set off from East Yorkshire in good spirits and excellent weather, circumnavigating York and meeting more club members. Then we headed north via Tadcaster, Boston Spa, Harewood and Otley into the Dales. Our first stop was for lunch at The Stump Cross Caverns near Pateley Bridge. Some intrepid members went on a tour of the caverns whilst others elected to admire the stunning views over the Dales. Our route then took us through Hebden Bridge, Grassington, Aysgarth and Hawes and ever onward and upward revealing another fantastic view or quaint village. We arrived at The Fat Lamb Inn, Ravenstone, Cumbria, our hotel for the tour, in plenty of time to settle in before time for dinner.  Our host and hotelier Paul Bonsall is a keen car enthusiast and has filled all the reception rooms and bar with Automobilia on every wall. He also specialises in car groups, so was able to provide us with an appropriate plaque and excellent route plans with clear tulip instructions for our tour around the lakes. The sun shone on us as we drove along “off the beaten track” to Coniston. Paul amazingly popped out at intervals to photograph our progress and these shots were screened for us during dinner later.  Our host had also booked us on the beautiful old steam yacht “Gondola” and we had a leisurely cruise along the lake before lunch. Once again, another excellent route was provided around the lakes, up the ‘Struggle’ to Kirkstone Pass, then north to Ambleside before  meandering south, crossing over or under the M6 seven times to get us home in time for dinner. All too soon our trip was coming to an end; the next day we followed Paul’s route back through the Dales to Mackenzie’s Smokehouse near Blubberhouses where we had a lovely lunch and a look around the farm shop before going our separate ways home. We all enjoyed the trip and each other’s company so much Richard is hoping to organise a similar trip next year. Hopefully he will rise to the challenge? Written by John and Sue Wylie  –  Photos from the Tiger Natter


Heartbeat Run – 29 May 2022

In spite of it being late May the weather was still a little gloomy for the start of the Yorkshire Centre’s ‘Heartbeat Run’ over the Yorkshire Countyside of the well-known television series. 44 cars assembled at the Romanby Golf Club, just west of the town of Northallerton, including Richard Kite from Dunstable, in his 2004 MGTF, and Mick Allott from Sheffield in his rare 1937 BSA Scout 4. As usual for the Yorkshire Centre the selection of MGs was extensive from three 1953 MGTDs of Ian Thorpe, Malcolm Perry, and Peter Hepworth to Steve Pountney’s MGSV. Our Yorkshire President, Alan Dakayne brought his 1957 Magnette.

Leaving the club as the sun burst through the gloom. The cars headed south through the North Yorkshire countryside south to Thirsk, where they turned east through the village with the longest name in England, “Sutton under Whitestone Cliff” and up the steep hill of the local escarpment. Next turn off the main road took the cars through the narrow lanes by Reivaulx Abbey, and into the pretty town of Helmsley.

At 31 miles the entrants turned off the A170, and left towards Hutton-le-Hole. And up on to the Moors proper, and the next obstacle – the “Chimney” a steep 1in3 hill into the village of Rosedale. Through the village, the road narrowed and climbed back up to the Moors, over roads often used for TV locations for the programme, passing through Egton Bridge, before eventually seeing the signs for Goathland. Entering the village from the south they passed the Goathland Hotel (The “Aidensfield Arms”), and “Scripps Garage” which were the centre for so much action on TV. Quite a few of the participants paused here to take in the atmosphere, before continuing down to the station, on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway heritage line, and over the railway bridge which featured in the Rail Robbery episode. The final bit of the unfenced   moorland road was up to join the A169, Pickering to Whitby road, where everyone turned left and headed for Pickering, the main town in the area, and terminus for the railway.

It was then a simple few miles down the Malton road to the NY500 Motorists Café, and Museum, at the conclusion of a run of some 70.miles. Here everyone was able to get a bite to eat, and a warming hot brew. There were plenty of other classic cars on site, as well as motor cycles, to chat and mull over. My particular thanks go to VoY Member Dave Fletcher who with a bit of driving by me, put the route together.

Certainly, those who took part enjoyed the Run and the weather did improve, in some part at least.

Ken Cothliff, Run Co-ordinator  .


The MG Car Club Ltd Yorkshire Centre Wolds Way Silver Jubilee Run

Sunday 8th May saw East Yorkshire host the Silver Jubilee running of the Wolds Way Run.

The event delayed by 2 years for obvious reasons. The Run is inspired by the Wolds Way Foot Path which runs for 79 miles from the Humber Bridge at Hessle to Filey on the East Coast of Yorkshire.

Due to building works near the Rosebowl, starting point of previous years, alongside the BBC Studios, Queen’s Gardens, in Hull, this year the start was from the beautiful setting of Cave Castle, South Cave.  Here, despite the initial parking problems, 74 cars set out in perfect convertible weather on a journey of over 110 miles. Running north eastwards, past the famous Racecourse and Westwood with views of the town and Beverley Minster. Through the villages of Rise, Sigglesthorne, Atwick, onto the North Sea coast. People waving as we travelled by.  At the home of the popular Mr Moos ice cream parlour near Skipsea, the wares were enjoyed by many entrants. We stopped at the evocative memorial to the air crews of Bomber Command stationed in the Lissett area in World War II. Now different propellers turn here, a wind farm. Travelling towards Hunmanby and connecting with the Wolds Way Trail, some entrants travelled onto Filey.  On the return route we were challenged by the climb up to Fordon village with fantastic views.

Different from the York Moors and the Yorkshire Dales, the Wolds are gentler with wonderful colours in fields and hedges and huge ‘David Hockney’ skies. Great roads where cars can really motor having a wonderful day’s driving. Once this area of beauty was a secret, but not anymore!

Enjoying Sledmere House and facilities, many entrants picnicked under the magfificent beech trees in the car park. By turning towards the desterted village of Wharram Percy and getting away from the traffic, the route travelled onto dramatic Burdale then Thixendale having the most remote village on the Wolds.  Beautiful Millington pastures and woods, Nunburhome, Kiplingcotes where since 1519 the oldest annual horse race is run in March, Sancton then North Cave and returning to South Cave.  A circular run of coast and countryside.

The optional 3-course celebrationary dinner was enjoyed by many of the runners at Cave Castle Hotel, finishing ‘The Grand Day Out’.

Congratulations to Paul and Marilyn Savoury for completing all 25 Wolds Way Runs. Thank you to Stuart and Irene Munby who composed the first Wolds Way Runs. For the Silver Jubilee event both couples came in their lovely MGAs.

The Wolds Way Committee is; Ray, route planner, Chris; secretary, Christine and Adrian; meal organisers with marshals; Greg, Jill, Steven, Wendy, June, Tony and Steve.  Thank you all for your valuble time in organising the event.  The charities benefitted from the event were Dove House Hospice and Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Ray Snowley

Daffodil Run 2022


The annual Daffodil Run, established and organised under the MGCC Yorkshire Centre banner, was prepared and managed by the South Yorkshire Natter for 2022. The Run was initially established over 20 years ago by Brian and Val Lewis in order to view the Daffodil displays at the time of the run. The nominated Charity chosen for the event was decided on as the Marie Curie Cancer Care organisation, which was simply chosen as the Daffodil is the symbol representing their organisation and it matched the name of the run!! With many thanks to generous entrant’s donations over the years, Marie Curie Cancer Care Organisation has received many thousands of pounds to help support those suffering with Cancer. Sadly Brian Lewis passed away last year but Val, who still supports the South Yorkshire Natter, entered the 2022 Run, driven round in style in her son’s Ferrari.

Eventually Brian and Val stood down and the run lay dormant for a few years until David and Carol Copeman took up the challenge and managed the run for around 15 years. South Yorkshire Natter took over and Steve and Marie Dobson prepared the route for 2019 but for 2020 and 2021Covid restrictions prevented the run taking place. Not deterred, for 2022 members of the South Yorkshire Natter pulled together under the watchful eye of Malcolm Perry to provide a 75 mile run, attract 65 entrants and 120 people to enjoy the sights and scenery around Yorkshire and Derbyshire’s Challenging country roads.

The start was arranged at a great location, Fox Valley Centre, Stocksbridge, with ample parking, bacon sandwiches, teas and coffees available from 0800. Entrants were asked to depart no later than 1000 which gave plenty of time to visit Eyam village to explore the fascinating history about it suffering the Bubonic plague in 1665, enjoy the scenery past Langsett Reservoir, over the Strines into Derbyshire, past Ladybower, before heading into the Hope Valley, enjoy driving down the significant drop and twisting turns of Winnats Pass as well as spending time in Castleton before more country roads heading back into Yorkshire and on to the finish at the South Yorkshire Transport Museum, Rotherham. The South Yorkshire Transport Museum finish was well planned with plenty of parking for all entrants’ cars, access to view and explore the museum, a scone & jam and a tea or coffee all within the cost of the event entry fee.

We must all thank Malcolm and Denise Perry for the many hours and obstacles they have overcome, including a road closure at the last minute which meant re-routing the original route, to plan the route and organise all the entries into what turned out to be a well received and planned event. Thanks also to Edward and Debrah Fergusson for printing out the route books.

South Yorkshire Natter even managed to arrange the event to coincide with a splendid bright sunny day which helped lift the spirits of all the entrants who seemed to relax, release the tension of the past 2 years and enjoy what turned out to be a great day out. For more events like this one, visit

I took quite a lot of photographs in two different locations on the Daffodil Run, if anyone wants to see if I took one of their car, please send me an email and include your car registration, and if I have any I will email you a copy.

Mike Breedon, South Yorkshire Natter Leader,

Marque of Friendship Award David Copeman

MG Car Club ‘Marque of Friendship Award’

Nomination Name: David Copeman Membership Number: 91573

I re-joined the MGCC over 15 years ago, which had changed from the North East Centre to the Yorkshire Centre. Personally I have had many positions in the Yorkshire Centre and I’m currently MGCC Chairman of the Yorkshire Centre and North Yorkshire Natter Leader.
So although representing the CRB, I know the nominee very well.

David Copeman has been a member of the Yorkshire Centre for many years, you will be able to check when he joined, but I surmise over 20 years.
David has on many occasions kept the Centre, alive and kicking, through enthusiasm and great help from his wife Carol.
Over the years David has held many positions, both within the Centre and as Natter Leader.
The positions to my knowledge I know he has had or currently holds are listed below:

• Past Chairman of the MGCC Yorkshire Centre
• Current West Yorkshire Natter Leader (A position he has held for many years).
• Currently in charge of the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Website
• Past Yorkshire Centre Database Manager
• Past Senior Scribe for the Yorkshire Centre Natter Notes in Safety Fast.
• Has produced many Yorkshire Centre and West Yorkshire ‘Event Tulip Runs’.
• Has attended more than one European Tour.
• Very supportive of other Centre activities and Events and Runs.
• Currently on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Committee.
• A great knowledge of procedure and past events, helpful to the current Chair.

I’m sure there are many other activities I should include, but as can be seen he is very pro – active in the Yorkshire Centre and very supportive to me as current Chair.

The expression “Behind every good man is a good woman” is certainly true with David as usually very close by is Carol. They work as a great team, but David carries the title.

All members within the CRB, appreciate what David does for the Club. It’s always the few that benefit the many. As the years go by and members get older, it gets harder to find excellent help, which David Copeman delivers to a very high standard every time.

Colin Brear

Colin Brear, Chairman MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre and North Yorkshire Natter L

Marque of Friendship Award Paul Croft

MG Car Club Marque of Friendship Award

Nomination Name: Paul Croft Membership Number: 97790

When I re-joined the MG Car Club 15 years ago, I had a choice of Natters to attend, near to where we live. The MGCC North Yorkshire Natter is based in a Country pub with excellent food and beer!
When I joined them, Mike Payne was coming to the end of his tenure as Natter Leader.
Paul Croft took over as Natter Leader after Mike. He was very supportive to Mike and arranged many of the Natter events and runs.
Paul is the epitome of a ‘safe pair of hands’. He has a lovely manner about him, while others about get upset, Paul brings a charm business head to the proceedings.

Like any good Leader, he has done most things for the Natter and Centre.
This includes the following:

• Past MG Car Club North Yorkshire Natter Leader for 10 years (no one would take on the roll)
• Currently Organiser for the MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre ‘Dales Run’. This is the Yorkshire Centres biggest fund raiser for the Yorkshire Centre. Paul has been dealt with everything from Route Planning, MSA approval to taking bookings. The most impressive part is that he has done this for 14 years.
• Paul has produced many Runs for the Club over many years. A couple including The ‘Compass Run’ where all Yorkshire Members meet at one central point. The End of Season Run in 2109, Paul arranged for us to drive to and visit Thorpe Perrow Arboretum in the Yorkshire Dales.
• Currently Deputy North Yorkshire Natter Leader.
• He has organised many visits/tours, the one’s that come to mind are: Rolls- Royce/Bentley, BMW Mini, Morgan, JCB and a tour of Saltaire, a World Heritage Site.

Paul and his wife Rosemary have been very supportive to me in running the Natter.
The hard part is to stop him and Rosemary volunteering for everything. Impressive for a couple in their 70’s.

The MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre Dales Run takes a lot of organising, which Paul does without fuss. The Rest of the Natter mainly gets involved on the day, when we can have over 100 MG’s taking part, so generally over 200 Guests/Members. To have done this for over 14 years is impressive in in its own right, deserving of the ‘Marque of Friendship’.

Colin Brear.

Colin Brear, Chairman MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre and North Yorkshire Natter Le


The Yorkshire Centre Awards Luncheon was held at the Bridge Inn Hotel & Spa Walshford on Sunday 23rd of February with  62 members representing all seven natters in attendance.
Our Chairman Colin Brear ran the proceedings like clockwork, the Awards were presented to the worthy participants by our new MG Car Club director Lorraine Noble Thompson.
The afternoon was enjoyed by all who attended

Awards Presented:-

Photo Competition West Yorkshire Natter

North Yorkshire Natter Enthusiast’s:- Kenning Trophy Jeff & Kate Marsden

South Yorkshire Natter Enthusiast’s:- Stross Trophy Malcolm & Denise Perry

East Yorkshire Natter  Enthusiast’s:- Bronte Trophy Ray Snowley

West Yorkshire Natter Enthusiast:- Paragon Trophy James Crow

Tiger Natter Enthusiast’s:- Rose Bowl Richard & Jill Coates

Vale of York Natter Enthusiast:- Dennis Hodge

Airedale Trophy:- Josh Langstaff

Lady Enthusiast:- Goathland Trophy Chris Moore

Centre Enthusiast:- Howarth Trophy Marie Dobson

Kimber Distance Trophy:- Jeff & Kate Marsden

Uniflow Trophy Auto Sport:- James Johnson

Paragon Team Trophy:- South Yorkshire Edinburgh Trial Stage Marshals John Milner, Malcolm Perry, Steve Dobson, Pete Long, John Austerfield

Inter-Natter Quiz:- Patrick Heap Trophy Chris Flanagan. Richard Croft, David Brown, John Patrick

Weir Head Trophy:- (Marshalling) Robert Ingham

Young Enthusiast’s:- Sophie & Sam Flanagan

Richard Price Memorial Trophy:- Steve Dobson

Colours of Autumn Run with the MGZS EV

A first for MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre?

Sunday 20 October saw an all electric MG, the ZS EV, cover 90 plus miles on the East Yorkshire Natter
final informal run of the year around the East Riding. Believed to be the first outing of that form
of mainstream MG propulsion?
Club member and supporters, Maple Garage, MG Motor dealers since 2009 and long term plaque
sponsors of the annual Wolds Way Run, used their latest demonstrator on the event .
At the start of the run the EV range was indicated at 160 miles and 90 miles later, after a quite challenging
hilly and sometimes rainy route requiring heating, wipers also lights, over half of that range was still showing. This surprised more than one sceptical Club member .
The theme of the afternoon was ‘The Colours of Autumn’ and a good time was had by all the crews of the
12 cars taking part. The day finished with an excellent carvery.

East Yorkshire Bunker Visit

From what appears to be just a bungalow 24 visitors made their way down the stairs, along the long tunnel and through the blast doors into the depths of The Bunker, a past secret world of cold war defence. The site was owned by the Royal Air Force & Ministry of Defence from 1952 until 2014 first being Holmpton Rotor Radar Station and contained an operations area for Royal Observer Corps and it was the last area in the UK where they served standing down in 1997. In the in the 1980’s and early 90’s Holmpton became what was the UK’s last surviving Nuclear Reporting Cell. At the end of the Cold War the site was used for RAF training until 1994 when it was refurbished to become the first experimental (trialling) headquarters for the Electronic Warfare Advanced Communications System until 2012. It is now privately owned and operating as a cold war museum by dedicated staff and volunteers giving the public an opportunity to explore this once secret underground base.
In 1952 a massive 100 ft. hole was dug at the Holmpton site and shale and 10 feet thick concrete with the outer shell reinforced with 1 inch thick tungsten rods and steel mesh framework. Two floors were constructed with steel ceilings and then an outer shell of 10 ft concrete. Earth from digging of the hole was used to infill so from the outside it is a field. The Bunker became operational in 1954, taking 18 months to construct.
Our guides Ted and John and MGCC member Josh gave us historical information of the workings of the site. Ted was the former Nuclear Reporting Cell Commanding Officer and has vast operational knowledge of the site with answers to all our questions. His explanation on how the predicted fall-out was calculated and plotted and written on the UK screen map was fascinating.
Surprisingly when you are inside the Bunker you do not feel as you are underground. It is so large we got a little dis-orientated and with so much to see in this labyrinth, soon lost sight of many in our group. Our first room visited was the armoury where Ted gave us details information and we handled weapons from 1903 to modern replicas. All the operational rooms with computers, telephones, planning and plotting boards are just as they were when operational. We watched two short films, the first one in an operations room and second in the former cinema showing what to do in a nuclear attack and how nominated council officers would take control of their areas in case of a nuclear attack. All this was going and, in the main without public knowledge.
The Bunker had provisions and accommodation for staff for 30 days after the refit completed in 1989 from a technical training facility for radar engineers to become the National Wartime Command Centre for RAF Support Command..
There were times for relaxation for the 100 staff and socialising for the former employees having a bar with dart board, pool, pinball, pacman video table and on the jukebox played Two Tribes by Frankie Goes to Hollywood! Although the bunk beds in the dormitory to be used in case of an attack did not look comfortable. The patient in the hospital bed didn’t look at all well!
Locker room, radio room kitchen, dining room and the plant room were viewed with our guides answering all our questions. John in the plant room started the ventilation fans causing a draught through the tunnel reaching Sylvia above in the reception area.
Our thanks go to John, Ted, Sylvia and Josh for an entertaining and informative afternoon.
Greg and Jill, Steve and Irena, Christine and Geoff and Chris and Steve stopped for the weekend at the campsite enjoying a BBQ on the Saturday evening.

Dales Run August 2019

Hi All,
Hope you all enjoyed this Year’s Dales Run. Glad to say apart from one or two breakdowns, and the usual problems with traffic and cyclists, I’m delighted to report the feedback has been 99% positive. A link to the photographs taken before and during this event is attached, see hyperlink below.

I would also like thank all those who joined us, and in particular the many members of our group who contributed to the success, both on the day, and prior by manning the car park, reception, my Brother Neil for the photography, my wife Rosemary for her help and patience during the several route rewrites necessary this year,and not forgetting those extracting money from you all with the raffles and book sales, plus of course Heather Hughes and her staff at the Bay Horse who without their cooperation and help, running the show would be impossible.

Finally may I thank our sponsors, who through their generosity has enabled us to once again reach our target of donating £1000.00 to The Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service, and would urge you if you can to take advantage of their products and services as shown in the adverts in the route book.

Kind regards

Paul & Rosemary Croft


Wolds Way Run 2019

MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre Wolds Way 2019

Sunday 12 May day was warm and sunny for the 81 entrants of the Wolds Way Run, but it was not to be whilst doing the final route check on the Thursday. We thought we were going to have a lovely day out with a pub lunch en-route. All started well and the morning was fine the route, so far, only needing a few minor adjustments.

As the first day of the Tour de Yorkshire was in East Yorkshire on the previous weekend many villages on the route still had blue and yellow bunting, and cycles on show. We were looking forward to our lunch at a favourite country pub, the Gait Inn, Millington. The pub is named after the measurement of grazing land and the ring markers are seen along the route through Millington Pastures.

On the road to Sledmere House the heavens opened. Hailstones. We sheltered under a tree in the car park. Leaving Sledmere we then had heavy rain, so bad we had to stop as could not see. Within minutes the country lane to Kirby Grindalythe became a stream, so we waited, wishing we had come in the Land Rover and not the BGT. Finally rain stopped but then we had to navigate a ford on the road. It was bit too deep for the B but we had little option but to continue. We noticed a slight change of tone in the B but she kept going strong. The following week she needed new manifold gasket.

Approaching the village of Acklam, the sign no one needs to see. Road Closure! Out came the OS maps and we planned a re-direction around the village. There is a website but this only shows planned works over several weeks so the best way is to ask the locals! The local post office or better a village pub. That evening speaking to the land lord of The Half Moon at Acklam, he confirmed that the roads would be opened for the weekend closing during the week. So thankfully this year no additional amendment sheets to put into the route books only a few hand written adjustments. What a relief!

After the start we joined entrants for a lovely meal at Cave Castle Hotel. Organising such an event takes about 5 months of preparation and a dedicated team of volunteers to provide a grand day out.

Thank you for making The Wolds Way Run possible; Ray for designing the route, Christine and Adrian for typing the route and organising the meal at Cave Castle Hotel. On the signing-on desk were Jill, June and Christine. The marshals keeping everyone safe; Chris, Steve, Adrian, Tony, Steven and Wendy. Maple Garage sponsored the plaques. Michelle at the BBC for specially opening their reception. Lena’s Deli opening earlier for refreshments, Helen at Hull City Council for getting approval for parking around the Rose Bowl and the 2 PCSO volunteering to control the traffic at the start.

Thanks to the entrants over £600 was donated to the charities Dove House Hospice and Yorkshire Cancer Research.

South Yorkshire Drive it Day 2019

South Yorkshire Natter had a “Drive It Day” run out to the South Yorkshire Transport Museum on Sunday 28 April. I managed a few photos (again!!) from the start point at Canon Hall Garden Centre Café for breakfast before setting off of course, South Yorkshire Natter likes its food!!)

Mike Breedon

Daffodil Run 2019


The MGCC Yorkshire Centre Daffodil Run 2019 was organised by the South Yorkshire Natter and had a new start point at the Fox Valley Centre, Stocksbridge. This new shopping centre is built on the old Samuel Fox Cold Rolled steel site which was closed and demolished so new modern buildings could be designed and built to replicate the Steel Mill work shops and storage sheds. A large area of the car park was allocated to the event with ample space for the 63 starters. The 17th running of the Daffodil Run, which was originally organised by Brian and Val Lewis to coincide with the millennium, had a majority of MG models ranging from a 1950 MG TD to a brand new 2019 MG3 as well as other non-MG models such as Austin Healey, Jaguar, Lotus Cortina, Vauxhall Velox, Rover P5B and Morris Marina.

Arrangements had been made for the very smartly turned out funky Citroen “Crème Fresh” Tea/Coffee Wagon to open early which most entrants welcomed as it was a very cold but dry morning and the hot drinks were quickly held between both hands to get the benefit from the heat of cup.

Drivers started setting off at 1030 for the 86.3 mile run in accordance with a very clear and well put together route book with tulip rally style instructions and words to guide the navigator.

The first part of the route was through very gentle country lanes passing familiar places like Bank View Cafe which is close to Langsett Reservoir and has been a start point on many occasions for MG runs as well as being a famous cyclist’s “watering hole” for many years. I live quite close to this early part of the route so it seemed strange having to “obey” the navigator when going through very familiar villages and roads in order to be sure that we kept to the planned route. The long climb up to Holme Moss view point car park was a good test for the older MG’s and many people stopped to take in the fantastic view at the top. As I stopped to take a few photographs of other drivers, it was funny to watch others stop, get out to take in the view but get back in the car almost immediately as it was bitter cold high up there.

The route continued on through beautiful scenery in the Peak District National Park for quite a few miles along Woodhead, through Glossop, Hayfield, Hayley Bridge, on to Buxton, Bakewell, Baslow before heading back through more built up areas around Sheffield to the finish at the Red Lion Coach Inn, Todwick. Everyone recounting their journey and experiences as well as enthusiastically chatting about their cars over a hot drink and food.
Thanks must go to Steve and Marie Dobson for putting the event together and to Cliff and Janice Hobbs for the administration and documentation support for another great day out.

Report and photographs by Mike Breedon

Annual Awards Luncheon 2019

On Sunday 17th February the Awards Luncheon was held at the Bridge Hotel Walshford Wetherby.

The event was enjoyed by all who attended, and once again we welcomed MG Car Club Director George Wilder as guest speaker and who also presented the trophies.

The worthy winners for 2018 are:

North Yorkshire Mike & Val Payne

South Yorkshire Kathryne Twiby

East Yorkshire Jill & Greg Thornton

West Yorkshire Carol Copeman

Vale of York David Fletcher

Outstanding Contribution to the Yorkshire Centre John Milner

Lady Enthusiast Janice Hobbs

Yorkshire Centre Enthusiast Ray Snowley

Kimber Distance Trophy Jeff & Kate Marsden (MG by the Sea Italy)

Auto Sport James Johnson

Paragon Team Trophy-Edinburgh Trial Marshalling Team – Pete Long, John Austerfield, Keith Pinder, Geoff Norcliffe, Norman Verona, Graham Saunders, Bill Foster, Malcolm Perry,             Stephen Dobson

Inter-Natter-Quiz Team West Yorkshire –  Geoff Morris, Alan French, Phillip Kent & David Copeman

Marshalling Robert Ingham

Young Enthusiast Archie Johnson

Chairman’s Pot George Wilder

Photographic Competition West Yorkshire  Carol Copeman taken in Italy during MG by the Sea


Scalectrix started off the Christmas Festivities, followed later in the month with their annual Pre-Christmas Run and Lunch.

Sat in the fireplace Greg & Jill Thornton who have organised the Run & Lunch for many years.

East Yorkshire-Autumn Run 23rd September 2018

MGCC Yorkshire members and guests arrived at J H Foreman Ltd, Hutton Cranswick to welcoming bacon butties and tea and coffee served by our host Janet Foreman.  The weather forecast was not promising predicting rain. We started the run with dark clouds ahead but the sun did appear and it turned into a lovely day. A choice of two routes, 115 or 60 miles were offered, cleverly connected on the tulip route.  We chose the longer taking us through the Yorkshire Wolds into the Vale of Pickering and then onto the Yorkshire Moors.  We met fellow travellers at Rosedale Abbey for coffee then travelled upwards across the wild moors to Egton Bridge then Whitby for a fish and chips  lunch. The route turned south near Ruswarp and we joined it to have great views of  Whitby with the sea beyond.  We drove over the Flyingdale moors then down through Hackness, Harwood Dale and into Forge Valley.  So lovely to see Yorkshire in its early autumnal colours, a change from the rape seed yellow of spring and greens of summer. As predicted we were the last to arrive at the Black Swan in Brandesburton.  Too late for a meal but the beer was appreciated.  Thank you to Ray Snowley for planning a fantastic route and to Christine and Adrian Benson for checking and printing it.  And not forgetting Janet for cooking our brunch.  It was a grand day out. We hope Ray is willing to plan more routes for next year?  For this year he did The Shakedown Run, The Wolds Way,  The Autumn Run and the October Run.  A lot of work went into the preperation with the aid of Christine and Adrian and is greatly appreciated by all who took part in the events.   Chris and Steve Moore

Dales Run-26th August 2018

With over 100 MGs and other cars planning to attend, this year’s Dales Run was going to be one of the best ever. However, Mother Nature had others ideas and after a wonderful summer, Sunday 27th August dawned dull and overcast. As the cars gathered at the Bay Horse, Skipton, the clouds darkened and down came the rain – exactly as forecast.109 cars were expected but 96 turned up including two late additions. I must admit we had second thoughts but as it was dry when we left home in Leeds, we decided to go, so Julie and I, and poor old “Marmalade” got a true Yorkshire soaking. The oldest car attending the run was Jeff and Kate Marsden in their 1953 MG-TD, with another 1953 TD from Chris Morley of Bradford, and the newest was Robin Kent’s MG3. As usual by far the most numerous was the MGB/MGC series cars including the MGC GT of John Weston, a regular attender. Also, present were three of the rare “85th Anniversary” MG TFs, encouraged by Noel Linford of Tyneside, the others being Roger Stones from Stockport, and John Rogers from Grantham. Fortified by bacon butties and hot drinks the cars started leaving base about 9.45. Amongst the early starters were Wayne and Dot Lee, Otago Branch NZMGCC, from Invercargill, South Island, New Zealand in their VW hire car. They had contacted organiser Paul Croft to ask if they could join in as they were staying in Yorkshire. In the true spirit of friendship of the MGCC, he told them they were welcome. I think they were the farthest travelled for the run in the history of this event As the rest of us left the rain really started to ‘hammer’ down, and we all proceeded northward from Skipton on the classic ‘Dales’ road, the B6265, past the beauty spot of Kilnsey Crag, through Kettlewell, Starbotton, and Buckden, turning off to Thoralby to Aysgarth, location of some of the most spectacular waterfalls featured in the movie “Robin Hood Prince of Theives”. Our northward journey continued through classic Dales villages such as Askrigg, Muker and Thwaite, all of which are regularly featured on TV documentaries. We were climbing all the time over narrow unfenced moors roads, testing our driving skills, before we ended up and the half way point, the Tan Hill Inn – the highest and remotest hostelry in England. The Inn was packed with MGs, campers, cyclists, and even hikers. It was so busy that we took just a comfort stop and headed further north downhill, on the way passing through one of the many fords in the area – luckily it wasn’t too deep for “Marmalade”! At Gunnerside Julie and I took our picnic in the car – still raining! Then our route was over ‘Buttertubs Pass’ so named after the limestone ‘wells’ next to the road, and down into Hawes, known as the ‘capital’ of the Dales. One cannot go to Hawes without calling in at the Wensleydale Creameries, home of Wallace and Gromit’s favourite cheese. ood Prince of Theives”Hood Prince   Our return run took us through Gayle, past its 18th century cotton mill, (possibly one of the first in the North), and again over the moors of Wether Fell and across a Roman road. Looking to the west one could normally catch sight of the Irish Sea and Morecambe Bay, but not this day! Dropping down to Oughtershaw, we drove alongside the upper waters of the River Wharfe, though Hubberholme, and its excellent pub, the George Inn, and on to Buckden, and Kettlewell. Passing the spectacular Kilnsey Crag again, we skirted Grassington, and south through Rylestone, and we were soon back at the Bay Horse, ‘wetting our collective whistles’ with some fine Yorkshire ale, and wine, before an evening meal. The run had been 104 miles long. With the support of MGCC North Yorkshire members and wives organising raffles and book sales, the event managed to raise over £1000 for our charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A special thanks to Paul Croft for organising the run itself, and the NY MGCC members for helping out on the day. Thanks also to our sponsors Stanley Cars of Bradford, AMJ Engineering of Earby, Mulloys of Sutton in Craven, and not least Whitakers of Skipton who supplied us with some very ‘’yummy chocolates to sell at the start. In the light of the poor weather, it was a successful day, so we hope more MGCC members will join us next August Bank Holiday 2019.   Ken & Julie Cothliff and a soggy “Marmalade” Click on link to view photographs    

Compass Run-Yorkshire Farming Museum 29th July 2018

The heat wave finished a few days before the Compass Run, resulting in pouring rain at the start of the day with in many MG’s staying  at home in the garage. The weather took up in the afternoon and the day was enjoyed by all who attended.   Thank’s to East Yorkshire for organising the event especially Chris & Steve Moore who marshalled the event waterproofs and all.

Thornes Park-Fleurs-de-Lys

In the sweltering sunshine at the beginning of July we headed to Thornes Park (Wakefield) for the Fleur-de-Lys classic gathering which was very well attended with hundreds of vehicles represented, 15 members parked on the club stand organised by Mick Thorpe.

West Yorkshire Pride of Ownership June 2018

Our annual Pride of Ownership took place at the June meeting. A great attendance with over 30 cars including Geoff Morris’s new ZS other marques included a 1954 Beetle a Jaguar and 2 Early Minis. Chris Falanagan’s 4.6 litre ZT Coupe was voted Best Car by the members, Glen Lynn’s 1966 MGB Roadster was voted the President’s Choice, in the absence of Alan Dakeyne our President the choice was made by Kelly Broderick new to MG’s having just bought an MGB. The evening was rounded off with Pie & Peas. Thanks to all who attended.

Canada Run - 20th May 2018

Canada Run 2018 Yet again the “Canada Run”, this year on May 20th, organised by the new Vale of York Natter was blessed with fabulous weather. It was a lovely day; definitely a day to have the hood down! It was the fourth time the Canada Run had taken, and fourth time with blazing sunshine. Who says it is always dark and gloomy ‘up north’? Not as many entries this year, probably due to the growth of classic car events in the area. We had an entry of 22 cars from as far afield as Northumberland and East Yorkshire. We started from our regular Natter haunt of the Mason Inn at Hopperton where Kim Gillespie laid on tea and coffee and bacon butties. There was a good selection of MGAs, MGBs, F/TFs, one RV8, and one Midget, as well as a couple of other classics. The aim of the run was go around all the of WW2 bomber airfields manned by the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the local memorials. As you read this in the summer months of 2018, it will be 70 years since those young men returned to their homeland, leaving behind over 4,200 souls who were killed in service with the Canadian Group of Bomber Command. Initially before the run proper began, the cars drove to Allerton Castle, just over the road from the pub. It was the headquarters for the Canadian Bomber Group in WW2, where the owners allowed us on to their grass for a photo opportunity in the bright sunshine. After that it was to set the odometers at the exit gate to start the run, and through the winding lanes to the old toll bridge (a whole 40pence!) at Aldwark. This bridge is the only one over the River Ouse between Boroughbridge and the one on the ring road north of York, and I often wonder how its wooden road surface coped with all the wartime traffic to and from the local RAF bases. After passing by RAF Linton on Ouse, and the disused airfield at East Moor, near Sutton on the Forest, the cars headed north over the Howardian Hills toward the old airfield at Wombleton and then the lovely market town of Helmsley. Here a decision over a coffee break had to be taken by the entrants as to whether they headed further north to Teesside and the two airfields up there, Middleton St. George – now Durham Teesside Airport, where there is a memorial statue to Andrew Mynarski VC, the only winner of the award in 6 Group, and Croft, now a racing circuit. The alternative was a shorter route via Thirsk to RAF Leeming, where the northern participants would re-join the track. From conversations afterwards it was apparent that quite a few of the cars went for the longer run of about 160 miles. Many run entrants commented they had seen other classics on runs in the area. After leaving RAF Leeming it was a tortuous weave through the attractive leafy lanes of the Vale of York, past Dishforth, Skipton on Swale and finally Tholthorpe – the most intact of the disused airfields in the area. The final rendezvous was the Anchor Inn and Carvery at Whixley, just north of the A59. Many of those who took part said they would return to find out more about this part of our history. “Adding history to a run makes it more interesting,” was the oft repeated comment. What a great way to enjoy your MG on a lovely sunny Yorkshire Sunday. Ken Cothliff (Son of one of the Canadians lost.)

Wolds Way Run 13th May 2018

WRITE UP ON THE WOLDS WAY 23RD CLASSIC RUN 13TH MAY 2018  This event would not have happened without the sponsorship of Maple Garage, Sproatley.  Our thanks go to them along with thanks to the 2018 committee who have organised the legal requirements, written and tested the route, and provided all the information for the 94 entrants who had previously booked their places on the run.  Unfortunately some entrants did not arrive at the start but others signed up for the run on the day.  The good news was that two very worthwhile charities,Yorkshire Cancer Research and Dove House Hospice have benefited from this event. The weather man had threatened rain, however although cold during sign up at the BBC Studios, near the Rose Bowl in Queens Gardens in Hull (City of Culture) most cars left with hoods down.  All the cars parked around the Rose Bowl making a fantastic scene. The sun eventually shone on the many MGs that started the run though Hull, following the tulip route, under the Humber Bridge and out towards the Yorkshire Wolds. The group included a 1932 MG D-type belonging the Giles Peacock and was the oldest car to start. Giles was interviewed by BBC Humberside prior to the start giving listeners information about the run. The youngest car to join the run was a 2009 MG TF with many different models in between. MGBs. MGB GTs, MG Midgets, MGFs and TFs The route took the group through many of the East Ridings villages, some famous like Welton where Dick Turpin was arrested in the Green Dragon Inn and later hanged in York in 1739. The cars travelled on, many stopping for refreshments in the village of Goodmanham which can be traced back to the stone age and where many burial sites have been found. Other villages provided refreshments for our travellers, including Huggate the highest village on the Yorkshire Wolds. Many stopped at Sledmere House home of the Sykes family who provided a monument outside the village as a tribute to Sir Tatton Sykes 4th Baronet.  The cars then passed through Driffield, the Capital of the Wolds on their way towards Holderness which was marshland until the middle ages when it was drained and is now rich agricultural land. However, many villages in Holderness have disappeared due to coastal erosion. Throughout the run the green hedgerows contrasted greatly against the many yellow oil seed rape fields and some wonderful views were enjoyed by everyone. Many cars travelled on back into Hull to finish the run near the Hull Pier. Nearby Humber Street and the Fruit Market is now a bustling area which has many eateries, pubs, music venues and museums.  Also the Deep is not too far away and well worth a visit. The run finished with a meal at Cerutti’s a well renowned fish restaurant, which provided a wonderful 3 course meal. Some people who had ordered a meal but did not attend the venue, missed a great ending to the day. The committee will soon be planning next year’s run and hope to see many old friends and hopefully new MG enthusiasts on the day. Christine Benson MGCCYorkshire Centre Wolds Way Run Committee Member Photographs by David Coulthard

North Yorkshire Pride of Ownership
Pride of Ownership results
Best pre 1962             Keith Beningfield  MGTC
Best 1963-1974          Mike Payne MGB Roadster
Best 1975 on              Nick Mann MGB GT
Best in show              Jeff Marsden  MG TD
Best chosen by Tempest Arms & winner of £50.00 voucher Bill Poole MGB GT V8
Slot Car Trophy           Mike & Val Payne
Bowling Trophy           Jack & Willma Tinker

The forecast was dry, and after all the snow of recent times, we were glad for a good day, even if the skies were leaden and grey. On Easter Sunday 1st April, seventy MG owners registered for the run, including your scribe and his wife in “Marmalade” our 1973 MGB, and met at the McDonalds restaurant at Clifton Moor, York. At the last minute we were advised there was an event near the route, but this should not affect our plans – oh! How wrong that proved to be! At about 10am for a route of 92miles taking in the Howardian Hills, and part of the North York Moors. The weather of previous days kept away some of the older pre-war vehicles, only a white VA joining in. Most entries were MGBs and MGFs and TFs whilst Robin and Linda Kent represented the later models in their 2016 MG3. Non MGs included Steve and Chris Moore for East Yorkshire Natter in their Landrover, Derrick and Sue Gough in their 1969 Riley Elf, as well as a Jaguar MkII. Heading north, past pretty villages with hedgerows scattered with daffodils, we went over the hills to our first major location, the lovely market town of Helmsley. As we left the plan was to turn north up to Bransdale, but here it all went wrong and a man in a hi-vis vest manning a roadblock pointed for us to continue on the A170 east. A mile or so down the road several of us pulled off and consulted maps. Luckily for us, we know the area well, and we decided to continue east past Kirbymoorside for about two miles then turn off north to follow the signs for Fadmoor, then on to the village of Gillamoor, where we re-joined the planned route. At this point several MGs joined us from different directions, and by the time we got to Hutton-le-Hole on the edge of the moors, quite a lot of MGs were back on the run. Here the weather started to go downhill and by the time we were at high level we were driving in sleet, then snow, before we had the scary part of the run down the “Chimney”, a very steep winding hill into Rosedale. Not the easiest in an old car with slow wipers! After a quick coffee break to revive our energies, we turned south, and through the low hills, skirting Malton, towards Castle Howard, and our lunchbreak at Yorkshire Lavender outlet. The remainder of the run took us across the Vale of Pickering and past the ancient castle at Sherriff Hutton, and south over the A64, and through Stamford Bridge, site of King Harold’s victory in 1066, and eventually over the River Derwent to our finishing point at the Yorkshire Air Museum. This was appropriate, as the day marked the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force. The following day, Easter Monday, the snow was back – when is this winter going to end? Our thanks to all the MGCC member and friends who participated, and contributed to our support for the Marie Curie Cancer Care Charity. Ken Cothliff Photographs, Mike Breedon, Colin Brear & Ken Cothliff

Awards Lunch 2018

On Sunday 18th February over 50 members attended the 2018 Awards Luncheon at the Bridge Hotel and Spa at Walshford MG Car Club director George Wilder was guest speaker and also presented the trophy’s and judged the photographic competition. The highlight of the afternoon was the presentation to the Yorkshire Centre President Alan Dakeyne of: The Mark of Friendship Award in Recognition of an outstanding contribution to the MG Car Club   The general consensus after an afternoon enjoyed by all was we would be returning in 2019

Photographic Competition

End of Season Run

North Yorkshire End of Season Run Saturday 23rd September 2017. Seventeen cars met up at the Bay Horse Snaygill where information packs were handed out, tea /coffee and a general chat amongst friends before departing for the Lakeland Motor Museum at Backbarrow where dedicated parking along with a concessionary entry fee had been arranged. After a very pleasant lunch in the Ambio Cafe adjacent to the museum we started out tour of the exhibits armed with our quiz sheets which made for a certain amount of head scratching, even the museum manager could not help with  a certain Charlote question. Thanks to Nick & Tess Mann for organizing a very enjoyable day

Otley Vintage & Classic Show

Sunday 10th September 2017 the Vale of York natter organized a club stand at the Otley Vintage & Classic Show. Although a little blustery the rain held off and the day was enjoyed by all who attended, Thanks to Ken Cothliff for once again for organizing the day.

Dales Run Sunday 27th August 2017

Dales Run 2017 As last year, the sun was again shining on ‘God’s own county’, as the MGs of all types assembled at the Bay Horse Pub in Skipton, “Gateway to the Dales” on August Bank Holiday Sunday. This year there were 108 entries with 94 actually turning up on the day? It was noticeable in the car park, there were fewer ‘other types’ joining us, but the MG total was the best in many years – from Norman Verona’s 1949 MGTC to a new MG6. No ‘Y-types’ this year – Robin Lowery had planned to bring his, but the sunny morning meant a change of mind to his MGA roadster and Dennis Greenwood cancelled due to illness. We had several visitors from further climes including a contingent from Tyneside led by Noel Linford in his MGF TF, and from the Cotswolds, John Weston in his 1968 MGC GT. There were several Lincolnshire Centre members too, including Chris Moncaster (MGB)                         and John Rogers (MGF TF). After coffee and suitably refreshed by ‘bacon butties’, the participants left for the planned run of 111 miles, organised by Paul Croft. Heading through Skipton and up the A65 to Gargrave, we left the main road for the side roads of eastern Lancashire, through the Gisburn Forest, and over the ‘tops’ northwards towards Ingleton, with spectacular views of ‘Pen-y-Ghent’ and ‘Ingleborough’, two of the highest hills of the Pennines. At this point Julie and I in “Marmalade”, our MGB, missed a left turn and quickly found our way on to the A65 again a little too early! So a quick recalculation of our navigation and we headed north to re-join the suggested route, and after a few miles we were back on track, turning off the A65 at Kirby Lonsdale and into the Yorkshire Dales National Park. After a couple of miles we turned right for the village of Bardon, and into Bondale, with the third great hill of the northern Pennines, ‘Whernside’ to our right, then up to another unfenced road to the pretty village of Dent, with its cobbled streets.  A run along Dentdale with its little beck, took us to Cowgiil and past Dent Station, the highest mainline station in the England, at 1175 ft., on the Settle to Carlisle railway line. Here we joined the A684 into Hawes, home of Wesleydale Creamery and Cheese factory, much loved by Wallace and Gromit. This was our lunchtime stop; to rest and refresh and a chance to taste a sample or two of cheese! Our return run took us through Gayle, past its 18th century cotton mill, (possibly one of the first in the North), and again over the moors of Wether Fell and across a Roman road. Looking to the west one could catch sight of the Irish Sea and Morecambe Bay. Dropping down to Oughtershaw, we drove alongside the upper waters of the River Wharfe, though Hubberholme, and its excellent pub, the George Inn, and on to Buckden, and Kettlewell. Passing the spectacular Kilnsey Crag we skirted Grassington, and south through Rylestone, whose naked ladies did so much for cancer charities with their calendar, and we were soon back at the Bay Horse, ‘wetting our collective whistles’ with some fine Yorkshire ale, and wine, before an evening meal in the sunshine. The event was supported by several sponsors including Stanley Cars, the local MG dealer who brought an MG3 and MG GS along; AMK Engineering of Earby, A.S. Pickering of Bradford, and the Bay Horse, Bradley. With the support of MGCC North Yorkshire members and wives organising raffles and book sales, the event managed to raise £1000 for our charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A special thanks to Paul for organising the run itself, and the NY MCC members for helping out on the day A successful day, so we hope more MGCC members will join us next August Bank Holiday, 26th August 2018 for the Dales Run 2018 to enjoy some of the most spectacular scenery in England. Ken & Julie Cothliff and “Marmalade” Click on link to view all Neil Croft’s photographs

Thornes Park Classic Gathering July 2017

West members once again supported this Friday afternoon/evening gathering. An excellent display of over 700 vehicles of all descriptions were on display. Thank’s to Mick Thorpe for organizing our club stand.

Harewood House Classic Cars July 2017

Yorkshire Centre cars from North, West, Vale of York & 24/39 Group attended this event. Our selection of MG’s were placed directly in front of Harewood House. Centre President Alan Dakeyne was awarded Best Saloon 1950’s with his 1957 Magnette. Thank’s to Ken Cothliff for organizing the event and obtaining our FREE entry.

Wolds Way Run !4th May 2017

After the 2016 Wolds Way Run it was suggested we approach the Hull 2017 UK City of Culture organizers to have the 22nd run starting from the city centre.  There could only be one location; around the Rose Bowl Fountain, Queen’s Gardens.  What we were to realise was the preparation involved.  Apart from getting the route approved and a permit from the Motor Sports Association, informing the police planning department of our intention, we had to do procedures and risk assessments. Fortunately the MSA has a template risk assessment on its website. Special permission was required from the Hull City Council to assemble 100 cars. Helen Thackeray, Events Officer on the Hull City Events Team, became our contact.  Helen eventually managed to get passed all the necessary permissions we needed. By early March Christine and Adrian Benson had plotted the route with Geoff and Christine Kirk doing the proof. We had the sponsorship of Maple Garage, Priestley, the local MG Dealership who again kindly provided the plaques for the route. Christine and Geoff Kirk obtained sponsors along the route for the raffle for the charity Max Appeal and they soon had over £200 worth of prizes.  With the addition of Interesting Places and the Menu for Ceruttis Restaurant for the 70 entrants who had pre-booked to dine, the route book was taking shape. The BBC reception and cafe was to open especially for the event. Entry forms came in quickly and exactly a month before the event we had reached our goal of 100 cars. A lot of new entries from outside Yorkshire and many stayed for the weekend. A site visit to the Rose Bowl by the event committee to test parking of cars was given special permission.  Steve Moore’s calculation that we just might get 100 cars parked nose to tail anti-clockwise, 4 deep, proved correct but only if contractor fencing was removed.  Where and how would we get the cars onto the site?  Ramps! Adrian Benson volunteered to make them. Helen was informed of our intentions and we possibly needed overflow parking. Free parking was obtained in Guildhall Road, or so we thought. With the BGT packed we set off for the Rose Bowl, it was raining heavily.  With ramps, signs and flags in place the early entrants signing in were welcomed by Jill, June, Christine and Wendy.  The Yorkshire Air Ambulance volunteers arrived, put up their gazebo and Maple Garage brought the new MG GS and MG3.  The sun came with them. All gleaming, shining, looking fantastic, parked many MGs, Mazdas, BMWs, Lotus and a Bentley, 100 classic and sports cars around the fountain. The oldest, Giles Peacock’s 1932 D-Type Midget and the newest, Sally Thackray’s MG3. A traffic warden arrived who possibly thought he was going to break his record of issuing tickets on one day! Fortunately Jill had the email for the parking on her phone. James Hoggarth of BBC Radio Humberside did live interviews on his show and the BBC brought a TV camera.  The coverage was twice shown by Look North that Sunday and also of the cars driving across the Wolds. The weather stayed dry and bright with stunning views across the Wolds and its famous big skies. People waved as the cars travelling through the lovely villages.  Around lunch time most of the entrants had reached Sledmere House then turned south for the return trip into Hull gathering near Victoria Pier. The raffle for Max Appeal was drawn by MGCC Yorkshire President, Alan Dakeyne, at Ceruttis Restaurant. Thank you, the entrants, sponsors and officials including the Hull City Council, for enabling The Wolds Way Run to raise over £1000 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Max Appeal. We had such good feedback on the start location. Should we do it again next time?         The Wolds Way Run kicked off on what at first seemed to be a rainy wet morning. Upon our arrival this magically changed into a glorious sunny day. The Yorkshire Wolds has always boasted about its big skies and we were delighted they decided to show for the run. Over 100 entered the event raising over £1000 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Max Appeal. The charities have expressed their appreciation of our donations. Our thanks to Maple Garage who provided the rally plaques and brought the new MG GS and MG3 at the start for all to view. We had great coverage from BBC Look North and James Hoggarth on Radio Humberside. Finally our thanks go out to all the team for a superb run and organisation.     Dear Chris, I write on behalf of Max Appeal and all our membership to thank you and the MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre for letting us be part of the 2017 Wolds Way run. It was a privilege to be able to see so many MG’s in all their splendour and the pride taken by all your members was clear to see. Special thanks must go to both Giles and Geoff who allowed some of our party to take a ride in their fabulous cars along with all the other owners who made us all feel welcome and let us ask so many questions whilst admiring their MG’s.  I attach a few photographs which I hope bring you as much joy as it did our children on the day. Max Appeal is a small national charity and our members all have a passion for raising awareness of a condition that affects so many yet is rarely heard off amongst the general public and medical professionals and so having mentions by esteemed broadcasters such as the BBC is priceless to us and we can’t thank all the organisers enough for putting together what for us was an amazing day. I am reliably informed your club also raised a magnificent total of £315 through your raffle and I wanted to give you an idea on how this will help a small charity such as Max Appeal, next Sunday we join a global ‘22q at the Zoo’ awareness day and the funds you have raised will help subsidies in the region 150  members at various UK Zoo locations as we raise awareness of 22q11ds and come together as families to support each other. I finish by wishing your club future success and now that my son has decided I must buy an MG myself then perhaps one day we can look forward to joining you once again on a future Wolds Way Run. Many thanks Mark Tripp Max Appeal Trustee © Max Appeal, 15 Meriden Avenue, Wollaston, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4QN, Tel: 0300 999 2211 Registered Charity No. 1

Daffodil Run Easter Sunday 16th April 2017

Daffodil Run 2017 The sun was peeking through the clouds as our 1973 MGB “Marmalade” joined the starters at McDonalds at Clifton Moor, York for the Yorkshire Area Centre spring “Daffodil Run” through North Yorkshire and the Howardian Hills, some of England’s most spectacular countryside. The route was planned by the two David’s Chapman & Copeman of the West Yorkshire Natter, with the support of sponsors Retro Sports Cars, and Boom Marketing who produced the route booklet. Some 80 cars had planned to come, and there were a few late additions taking the number a little higher. In addition to the majority of MGs were a few visitors including the lovely 1930’s Lagonda drophead saloon of David Lloyd, Brian Viney’s 1961 Jaguar 3.8 Saloon, and Derrick and Sue Gough’s 1966 Austin A40, not unrelated to the MG marque through its BMC heritage and engine. East Yorkshire MGCC member Chris Moore brought his 1990 V8 Landrover to add a rustic flavour to the runners. Members from all the eight Natters of the MGCC were well represented although the poor forecast kept some of the older cars indoors. The route took us north alongside east bank of the River Ouse towards the village of Helperby Brafferton, past the old RAF stations at Linton on Ouse, Dalton and Tholthorpe, though an area that saw much action with RAF Bomber Command just 75 years ago. We then headed north east toward the Hambleton Hills, through the pretty village of Kilburn, famous for the master wood craftsman Robert “Mouseman” Thompson, and up the steep hill past the “Kilburn White Horse” and Yorkshire Gliding Club on the top of Whitestone Cliff, to the North Yorkshire Moors visitor centre. Here the route took us through lots of small tortuous hills and farm lanes towards Hawnby, and past the wonderful ruins of Reivaulx Abbey to the busy market town of Helmsley. It was notable how many 4WD vehicles confronted us, and yet it was us that had to move over, not the 4WDs; several members commented on this. By this time the forecast clouds had arrived and rain had set in, so those hardy souls who had started out ‘topless’ had resorted to hood up. Leaving Helmsley, and the excellent selection of pubs, we headed towards the Howardian Hills, through the pretty villages of Harome, and Hovingham. Normally this is where we see the best displays of roadside Daffodils, but with the warm spring and the recent cooler weather, they were past their best. After a roadside picnic huddled in “Marmalade” in the pouring rain at Nunnington, by the Elizabethan stately home, the rest of the run was an enjoyable route around the countryside east of York, past locations featured on TV personality Tony Robinson’s Coast to Coast walk programme on TV only a couple of days before, through more pretty villages, and the Derwent Valley, eventually approaching our destination at Elvington – the Yorkshire Air Museum. Their new exhibit, a French Air Force Mirage IV Nuclear bomber, still in its shrink wrap protection from its transit from France, was a highlight exhibit, and the NAAFI provided welcome hot food and drinks. Our thanks go to David Chapman for all his hard administration work and car parking skills, and if any folks from southern England, or Scotland want to visit “God’s own County”, join us 2018 for Yorkshire Centre’s “The Daffodil  Run” or the “Dales Run” this coming August – details on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre website. Now I’m off to give “Marmalade” a good wash and rub down!   Ken and Julie Cothliff and “Marmalade”

Awards Lunch 2017

The MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre Awards Lunch was held at the Mecure Hotel Wetherby on Sunday 12th March. MG Car Club Director George Wilder once again was tasked with the job of judging the photographic competition.   For the second year running a photograph from the 24/39 Group was chosen         the F Type owned by Bob & Beth Walker  taken during the MMM tour of Ireland was the winning entry.   Trophy Awards for 2016 North Yorkshire- Kenning Trophy – Mike & Val Payne South Yorkshire – Stross Trophy – Marie Dobson East Yorkshire – Bronte Trophy – Geoff Kirk West Yorkshire – Paragon Trophy – David Chapman Lady Enthusiast – Goathland Trophy – Chris Moore Centre Enthusiast – Howarth Trophy – Ken Cothliff Marshalling – Weir Head Trophy – John Milner Auto-Sport – Uniflow Trophy – Jeff Marsden Kimber Distance Trophy – Jeff & Kate Marsden Young Enthusiast – Sophie Flanagan Outstanding Contribution to Centre – Airedale Trophy – Alan Dakeyne Inte-Natter Quiz – Patrick Heap Memorial Trophy Team Cliff & Janice Hobbs, Mike & Sue Silk Chairman’s Pot – Richard Price Memorial Trophy – Andrew Murfin

West Christmas Lunch

Sunday 11th December and we were meeting up once again for our Christmas lunch at the Gomersal Park Hotel surely it can’t be 12 months since we were here. A very convivial afternoon completed with a visit from Santa.

West Yorkshire Narrowboat Cruise Sunday 2nd October 2016

Mick Thorpe organised a full day out on the River Calder and the Calder and Hebble Canal. The Narrowboat is moored at the Wakefield Sea Cadets but belongs to the Boy Scout Movement, the boat was skippered by Mick’s son Chris, and the buffet lunch was prepared by Judith Mick’s wife. After a safety induction from Chris it was time to attempt to put on the life jackets for those going on deck or going to open/close the twelve locks we would encounter throughout the day. Members took turns to skipper the boat, with Geoffrey Wilsons slalom remaining the most memorable. A great day out enjoyed by all. Click on photographs to enlarge

North Yorkshire End of Season Run Saturday 24th September 2016

North Yorkshire End of Season the entry is free with a donation of your choice, £300 was raised for the Alzheimer’s Society Click on photograph’s to enlarge

Bubble Car Museum Camping Weekend 9th September 2016

Despite early booking there was not enough electric hook ups for us all; 5 caravans and 1 tent.  Then there was a problem with the BBQ meal we had ordered for Saturday evening. Heavy rain! Day visitors David and Carol were the first to go around the museum with the campers following.  A very interesting collection not only of bubble cars but, motorcycles, bond cars, cycles and lots of memorabilia. The museum also has a lovely cafe and it was here we had our meal with the meat cooked in the oven.  Also on the menu were fresh salads and home baked bread and to drink their home bottled cider. A most enjoyable weekend break Chris Moore Click on photographs to enlarge

Dales Run Sunday 28th August 2016

Rosemary and I wish to take this opportunity to say how delighted and relieved we are that the Dale Run went smoothly with no apparent snags or complaints, and would like to thank all those who contributed to its success. Obviously it could not have happened without the efforts of the many North Yorkshire members who organized the parking, the raffle, book sales and registration The North Yorkshire Natter has raised sufficient funds to contribute another £1000 to The Y.A.A, taking our total sum raised to date to over £8000, and in addition, has provided a couple of hundred MG enthusiasts with a “Grand Day Out”, a result of which we can all be justifiably proud. Paul & Rosemary Croft

Burley in Wharfedale Show 21st August 2016

North Yorkshire car display

Croft Nostalgia Weekend 6-7 August 2016

This is the first time I have attended the Nostalgia Weekend, or Croft Circuit for that matter.  Both are well worth a visit.  The weather on the Sunday was mainly dry but incredibly windy – several gents ran past me chasing stray caps and my long neglected sprinting abilities were called upon to save one small child’s cuddly toy!! As well as a classic race meeting, the weekend also features Military and Commercial vehicles, Classic Motorbikes and aircraft.  Many of the attendees dress up in period, lending the whole affair a bit of a ‘Goodwood in the North’ feel. Croft itself is a super little circuit with a couple of long straights and a challenging mixture of fast and slow corners.  Viewing is excellent. Words & Photo’s by David Doulin

Compass Run 31st July 2016

Compass Run 31st July 2016 The Compass Run is held on the Sunday nearest to Yorkshire Day. Taken in a yearly rotation each natter organises a central finish venue that each natter then plan a scenic run to. West Yorkshire arranged this year’s venue at The Yorkshire Farming Museum, Murton, York, which also includes the Derwent Light Railway. The museum management could not have been more helpful in allowing us to display our cars central to their exhibits with unlimited access to the museum including free rides on the railway. Members from North Yorkshire started from Tong Garden Centre joining West members for breakfast. Twenty one cars took a scenic 58 mile route which conveniently passed the Scott’s Arms at Sicklinghall home of the 24/39 Group (MMM) who also joined the same route. South and East Yorkshire also had breakfast starts prior to their runs. All very civilised. The MGCC Marque of Friendship was in abundance as Chris Flanagan and family went out of their way to assist Daren Porter whose BGT kept stopping by diverting to Harrogate looking for a replacement coil, luckily Snowdon’s of Harrogate where able to oblige. Later in the day another BGT belonging to Richard & Jill Coates failed to start as they were about to leave once again members rallied round to push the car out of the museum and onto the road just as the AA man arrived a faulty connection was quickly diagnosed. In total 51 cars and over 100 members had a very enjoyable day, thanks’ to all who attended. As a thank you to the museum & railway for allowing us free entry & rides a collection raised £154.00

European Event of The Year 2016

The MG Club of France hosted the European event of the Year 2016 based in the charming resort of Le Touquet Paris Plage from June 8th to the 12th. Photographs Pete Long & Cliff Hobbs

West Yorkshire Pride of Ownership 17th May 2016

A good selection of MG’s made for difficult judging, with cars ranging from Alan Dakeynes 1939 VA, Frog Eyed Sprite, B’s, RV8, Metro Turbo, F/Tf,s ZR, ZTT , a stunning Jaguar Coupe and Mini Cooper Voted Best Car was Richard Wilson’s rare Metro Turbo Second place Martin Sprowell’s Mini Cooper Third place Chris & June Worsmans MGB The Presidents Choice this year went Geoff Morris’ very nice MGF A Pie & Pea Supper followed by a raffle finished off a great evening, thank’s to all who attended. Click on photo’s to enlarge

North Yorkshire Pride of Ownership 12th May 2016

A fine collection of cars on show. Keith & Margaret Benningfield’s TC voted Best in Show Jeff & Kate Marsden’s TD second place Bill & Sandra Poole’s MGA third place

Wolds Way Run 8th May 2016

The 21st Wolds Way Run The weather the previous weekend was more like winter than spring so we were relieved to see sun and blue skies as we set out to our hosts and plaque sponsors Maple Garage at Sproately. There were some very early arrivals catching us out on the signing in desk, but the new MG models in the show room caught their attention and there were raffle tickets in aid of the charity Max Appeal to purchase. Soon more gleaming cars arrived all eager for the start.  Richard Dee arrived with his camera drone and took some interesting ariel shots. The oldest MG cars; a 1939 TA, 2 MG TDs, 2 MGAs, and a 1960 MG Mk3 Farina, were joined by a 1946 Morris 8 series E and a Ford Cortina MK2 at the start.  These were followed by the chrome Bs and Midgets of the 1960’s and 70’s. Then the later MG models took to the route including our MG Maestro, a Eunos, BMW Z3, Mazda MX5, Porsche Boxster, NG Henley, Ford Escort Cabriolet and a Toyota Celica GT4.  A grand selection of sports and classic cars all gleaming in the sunshine. The problem with a lovely warm sunny Sunday is that everyone had the idea to go out for a drive and unfortunately we found ourselves crossing heavy traffic heading for Bridlington.  We were treated to some wonderful views of Burton Constable Hall, Hornsea Mere and many pretty, interesting villages on route.  The countryside could not have looked better with the blossom in the hedgerows, the bright yellow fields of oil seed rape and the fresh green foliage growth everywhere and blue, such big blue skies.  The Yorkshire Wolds is often overlooked, visitors favouring the Dales and the Moors, and until David Hockney unfolded its beauty, was our secret. Perfect for country driving. Lunch-time found most entrants favouring a picnic at Sledmere House, a stately home with tea rooms, art gallery, memorials, museums, toilets and free parking!  We enjoyed our luncheon beneath the magnificent beech trees and our dog met up with fellow 4 legged travellers. From Sledmere we ventured onto Wetwang, Huggate then onto Millington Pastures where, on the single track road, we got a wheel stuck when meeting a car travelling in the opposite direction.  The grass verge was soft and the bank steep and our sump was on the tarmac.  Fortunately lightening the load (I got out) and with careful reversing we escaped. For the very first time on the Wolds Way Run we easily got parked in the village of Millington.  At The Gait Inn landlord Stuart was concerned for us as he had hardly seen an MG all day.  They’re still at Sledmere enjoying the sun was our reply! Suitably refreshed we travelled on through more lovely villages, Newbald and Welton and eventually met up at the finish near to the Victoria Pier in the city of Hull.  This was not to be our original meeting point but the original car park became unavailable.  With only 2 weeks to the run committee member Christine Kirk asked Tony Ceruttis, restaurant owner, for help. We use his and neighbours’ private car parks, saving the day! In 2017 with Kingston Upon Hull being the City of Culture we are to plan something a little different for the 22nd Wolds Way Run.  Details shall be available early next year. Chris Moore

24/39 Drive it Day 24th April 2016

Thank’s to Bob & Beth Walker for once again organising the finish venue at The Yorkshire Smokehouse for the various North & West  runs to finish at!

South Yorkshire's Drive it Day 24th April 2016

Cars at the start and finish venue of the run.

Bradford Police Museum Tour 20th April 2016

Bradford Police Museum West Yorkshire members had an evening visit to the Bradford Police Museum, Bradford’s original police station 1874-1974 in Bradford’s Town Hall. Our tour guides Martin Baines, Chris Corrigan, Les Scaife plus a constable dressed in the uniform of the day (all retired police officers). Groups were escorted around the outside of city Hall and given an insight into what a day in the life of a 1900th century policeman was like.   Unfortunately the constable thought some of the groups appeared to be disturbing the peace so all were put under arrest and marched into the station and presented to the desk to be processed before being taken to the cells (The one that Houdini escaped from whilst he was appearing at St Georges Hall)   From the cells we were escorted up a very steep flight of stairs to arrive in the dock of the Court Room still in its original condition, but only used by television and film crews these days. The displays and knowledge of the guides is excellent and very informative well worth a visit.   No MG’s where used for this visit as the 25 members opted for a coach which returned us to the Star for supper.   Contact ‘Under the Clock Bradford’ Bradford Police Museum

North Yorkshire Welsh Tour 10th April 2016

South Wales trip 2016   On Sunday 10th April sixteen MGs from North Yorkshire Natter set off for a ‘safari’ to South West Wales. Totally organised by Mike Payne, the cars set off from Yorkshire on a route suggested by Mike, but individually planned by each owner. Part of the group left from Skipton, and others direct from Leeds. However two of our members, Kate and Jeff Marsden drove all the way from their property in Spain in their 1953 MG TD.   We all stayed at The Cleddau Bridge Hotel in Pembroke Dock, and Mike had organised a listing of all the interesting places to visit in the area, with route plans. The following morning, after a hearty breakfast we all disappeared to all points of the compass. My wife and I, and our MGB “Marmalade” headed to Britain’s smallest city, St. Davids in the far west, and after a sortie around the local coastal roads, ended up at the Cathedral, where we met up with others from our party. Later in the day we visited a local Welsh woollen mill at Solva   So it was to be over the next three days, with MGs meeting up at Tenby, Pendine Sands, and at various outlets, such as wineries, and chocolate and cheese factories. Pembroke Castle is particularly worthy of a mention, being the birthplace of Henry VII, who defeated Richard II at Bosworth field to found the Tudor Royal dynasty. The beaches in the area are beautiful, and have to be seen to be believed, especially those at Freshwater Bay. Some of our party, including Natter Leader Paul and Rosemary Croft took to the high seas for a boat trip around the ornithological haven of Skomer Island.   On the Tuesday morning a large group took advantage of an invitation from the trustees to visit the Seaplane Museum, near the old RAF Base and dockyard. We learned all about the history of the area and wartime exploits, and the efforts to recover a sunken Sunderland Flying Boat from the river, not far from the hotel. Some local MG owners met up with us for a drink at the hotel. That night Granville Gott organised a “beetle drive”, but instead of a beetle, one had to build an MG Midget – good fun.   The reputation of wet Wales was unfounded, as we had sunshine most days, and hoods were lowered, though admittedly it was a little colder than we expected. On the Thursday morning we all split up to make various journeys towards Yorkshire. My wife and I decided to head north up the coast road of Cardigan bay to Porthmadoc, to take the opportunity to visit the spectacular village of Clough Williams Ellis at Portmerion, arriving home a day later; well worth the visit. For us it was a 720 mile round trip, and the MG worked faultlessly, as did all the cars.   Mike and Val Payne have to be congratulated for organising a great trip, (and good weather!). Many of the group had not been to West Wales before and for them it was especially rewarding.     Ken & Julie Cothliff