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January 25 Notes

YORKSHIRE CENTRE Scribe Ray Snowley ‘’

North – Jeff Marsden

Twenty members attended the meeting which was a games night organised by Mike and Val Payne. There were 10 tasks of skill to perform and each was scored. They were not easy and the results showed a lot of zero scores, but the winners were only 1 point in front of their competitors. The ladies section was won by Kate Marsden, and the gents by Jeff Marsden.

Following this hilarity there were a few notifications.

The End of Season Run, organised this year by the Marsdens, covered the area to the south and running along the ‘tops’, with [fortunately] extensive views over the moors of West Yorkshire, and some challenging lanes and fords. The majority had a coffee stop in Cragg Vale, and nearly all ended up at the Dog & Gun in Glusburn for food and to recount their experiences of where they got lost !

East – Jill Thornton

Many enjoyed the EY Christmas lunch at Cottingham Parks Golf Club – the proposed run having been cancelled [again] due to stormy weather. Many thanks to Christine & Adrian Benson for organising.

The December Natter once again hosted the annual Scalextric Challenge, after a bit of a slow start, the cars picked up speed ! Congratulations to Arne Toft on his win , with a worthy challenge from Steve Pountney coming in 2nd.

We will use the January Natter for organising volunteers for various positions to enable us to continue our activities in 2025. A number of EY members have already booked to attend the

Yorkshire Centre Awards Lunch at The Bridge Hotel, Wetherby on Sunday 23rd February.


Vale Of York – James Thornborough.

Members attending the November VoY Natter enjoyed an excellent talk from John Towler, Vice President of the Calgary MG Car Club. John was born in the UK and went to Grammar School with 2 long standing VoY Natter members. The distances covered by Canadian MG car owners to attend Canadian and US events, dwarf our journey times. Distances are communicated as units of days as opposed to  miles.

The Xmas VoY Natter Lunch returned the largest numbers to date, with 31 attending. Fortunately the Secret Santa revealed a unique present for each . If there had been a prize for the best head gear it surely would have been awarded to Chris Kettle , who was brave enough to wear a full size basted turkey hat. I do hope it’s not the same turkey that he planned to barbeque on Christmas Day . Braver man than me !

All the members are looking forward to 2025, with plans afoot for trips to breweries, vineyards, and Canadian WW2 air bases. Happy New Year everyone.


South – Rob Mitchell

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! We also hope that many members took the opportunity during the festive break to fettle their cars in readiness for the events, trips, competitions and shows planned for 2025 – in between the necessary intake of food and drink , of course !

SY Natter members ended the year with another excellent Christmas meal at the Just Thai Restaurant in Denby Dale and started 2025 with the traditional Chilly Willy Run on 5th January.

Yorkshire Centre’s Annual Awards and Luncheon takes place on 23rd February in Wetherby – booking forms are available if you wish to attend. In the meantime, preparations are underway for April’s Daffodil Run, along with lots of other events planned for 2025. So please keep an eye out for notifications, alternatively get in touch – we are a friendly bunch and meet at the Old Post Office in Haigh , near Barnsley, on the fourth Wednesday of every month.