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Yorkshire Centre Annual General Meeting 17th March 2014

By 27/03/2015October 15th, 2015No Comments

Annual General Meeting 17th March 2015

Over fifty members attended the Yorkshire Centre’s annual General meeting held at the Star Roberttown.

Reports and accounts were given by the Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary with no contentious issues being raised, the Chairman Steve Dobson stood down as set in the MGCC rules to be unanimously re-elected once again. Treasurer John Milner & Secretary Cliff Hobbs agreed to continue and they were also re-elected.

Long standing committee members Paul & Rosemary Croft, Steve Moore, Mike Payne, Andrew Murfin along with Steve Putney & Chris Flanagan stood down from the committee all where thanked by the chairman Steve Dobson for all their past work for the Centre

The remaining committee members Carol Copeman, Janice Hobbs, Chris Moore, Jill Thornton, David Copeman, Ken Cothliff & Pete Welbourn agreed to stay on the committee and where all re-elected.

The Yorkshire Centre President Alan Dakeyne thanked everyone and the meeting concluded.

Everyone then retired downstairs for informal chatting, supper & raffle draw.

The evening was enjoyed by all who attended.