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Natter News

West Yorkshire June Notes

West Yorkshire – David Copeman

On the 22nd June the West Natter resumed, their last meeting being February 2020 (16 months) although socially distanced in the Marquee it was great to be having a well-attended meeting once again.

Geoffrey Wilson I believe to be the oldest active member of the Yorkshire Centre accompanied by his son Nigel arrived in his 1937 VA, Alan Dakeyne the Centre President was also at a well-attended meeting. Next month we could be back to normal?

Just been informed that Drive it Day on the first of August is to go ahead thanks to Ken Cothliff with the arranged destination being Richmond with the Dales Run at the end of the month August is looking like a good month for Mg-ing

As there have been very few activities allowed over the last 15 months, as a reminder of what we have done in the past and look forward to being able to do again in the near future, here are a couple of photographs from the 2018 Pride of Ownership event at the Star Roberttown to remind us all how we enjoy our cars and a good social event.