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Vale of York Members Report February 2020

Members Report Vale of York Natter MGCC – February 2020

Hi Folks,

Nineteen of us in attendance at the last Natter back at the Masons. Mainly it was a social occasion, though was a good opportunity for Dennis, Dave and I to get together and put some ideas down for the Heartbeat Run on 12 July. We can confirm the start will be at Romanby Golf Club starting about 9.30. We can talk more about stewarding nearer the time.

Julie and I will be nipping across to Goathland to check on the hotel. We are conscious that the buffet left something to be desired – probably due to the Hotel getting the day mixed up. I’m determined it to be better this year.

Rob did a raffle this time, and we also managed to part with two of the four MG prints Terry brought in – he had salvaged them from Naylors. The other two I’ve offered to Colin Brear to see if he can move them at the North Natter.

A few days after the Natter some of us went to the Awards Dinner at the Bridge Inn at Washford, where we were delighted to see Alan and Shirley back with us after their recent independent adventures. Our party was made up of Rik, Dennis, Dave, Robin and myself with our wives along with Terry and Keith. I am delighted to say that Dennis received the ‘VoY Cup’ after his good work planning our Runs, following Dave’s win last year.

Next to items chronological; it is the Yorkshire Centre AGM on 17th March at 7.30 at the Star Inn at Robertown, near Liversedge, WF15 7LQ. Free pie and pea supper is included, however we do need to know, who apart from myself will be going – PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Just a couple of days later, on 19th March is our Spring Run, postponed from last October, just for members of our Natter. We will start from the Masons about 11.00am. I have agreed with Dennis and Dave that we will email all of you with the route plan beforehand, although I’ll run off half a dozen spares before, just in case anyone forgets! We would be back for lunch as normal about 1.00ish. If any of you have a friend who would like to join us, happy to welcome them – just let me know.

A couple of people asked about Newby Hall on 19th July. Paul Croft, of North Natter, is liaising this on behalf of Yorkshire Centre contact him on, or 01274 783442 for entry details. He is collecting payments and sending a block entry for us all. I’ve also had a reminder today that the Burley Classic Car show is planned for 23 August – again North Natter will be liaising this.

That’s about it for now – see you at the Run, if not before.

Ken Cothliff, Natter leader