The second meeting of the Vale of York Natter took place at the Mason’s Arms, Hopperton on 19 May with seven MGs of all ages getting together, and some new enthusiasts joining us in their ‘day’ cars. The proprietors of the Masons Arm welcomed with a specially produced menu which was enthusiastically received.
We are already planning runs in the area, to happen after the lunch, and Tim Saunders offered to adapt one of his runs for the Midget and Sprite Club, in the local area. It was also requested that a version of the Canada Run be considered. I’m also considering a Natter Pride of Ownership competition for the September Meeting on 15th.
Several members stepped forward to offer help in running the Natter, including the role of treasurer. I will not be able to attend the meet as I will be in Canada. The next meeting will be 12ish on Thursday 16th June. If you fancy coming along you’ll be most welcome.
Finally, David Copeman informed us the Yorkshire Compass Run on 31st July will be going through Wetherby. He said we would be most welcome to join in, finishing at the Farming Museum at Murton, near York. If you want to join the full run, entry forms are on the Yorkshire Centre web-site
Ken Cothliff