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Tiger – Pete Welbourn

January 1st cold and wet but Mel and I are determined to get the MGA out for its usual run to Sir Greg’s classic car meeting at the Black Swan, having managed to ignore the A for most of the previous month I was surprised how easily it burst into life, more to do with electronic fuel pump and ignition than my maintenance regime. There were surprisingly few classics at the pub so well done to the gentleman driving the Lancia Delta Integrale HF.

Mel and I have started planning the luncheon runs, we are starting early this year the dates being as follows-

March 15th Piebald Inn Hunmanby

April 19th TBA

May 17th TBA

June 22nd yes it is Thursday and possibly the Goodmanham Arms

July 19th TBA

August 16th TBA

September 20th TBA

Thanks to those who have volunteered to sort out a pub and a route.

Tiger Natters are held from 12:00 noon on the first Wednesday of the month at The Tiger Inn, Lairgate, Beverley, HU17 8JG.

 Contact Pete or Mel 01964 550693 or