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Natter News

Tiger Lunchtime – Pete Welbourn

A touch of deja-vu about the August luncheon run, as last August we followed a route planned by Derek Tucker to the Grapes Inn at Slingsby.

We had a good turn out for the run, as well as the usual suspects we were joined by Penelope and Jim. Jim is a long term club member and was driving his TA, if I remember correctly Jim is 84, his TA is 81 and he thinks it is in better condition. Penelope a new member was driving her MGB roaster, back on the road after 10 years and running well.

The final lunch run in September will see us venturing into Lincolnshire to join the Lincolnshire members annual picnic.

Tiger Natters are held from 12:00 noon on the first Wednesday of the month at The Tiger Inn, Lairgate, Beverley, HU17 8JG.

Contact Pete or Mel 01964 550693 or