Having been several weeks in the planning Brooke’s route from Shiptonthorpe to Wykeham was well received by all those who participated, the final section taking in part of Forge Valley and Troutsdale coming in for particular praise.
The next luncheon run will go from Shiptonthorpe to the St. Quinton Arms at Harpham, the Wednesday Mel and I chose to plan the route the weather forecast was heavy showers when in reality it should have been a Tropical storm, although we got to our destination we will have to check the route as we may have incorporated a couple of rivers.
Tiger Natters are held from 12:00 noon on the first Wednesday of the month at The Tiger Inn, Lairgate, Beverley, HU17 8JG.
Contact Pete or Mel 01964 550693 or peterwelbourn@yahoo.co.uk