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Natter News

Tiger (Lunchtime) Pete Welbourn

The improving Spring weather and upcoming MG events spurred me into sorting out my MGs, the MGB now has new rear shockers, brake cylinders and MOT, the MGA has benefitted from a minor wiring correction that does not discharge the battery.


With the MGA register Spring weekend coming up this month’s Luncheon run to Harpham provided a good few test miles, several other owners must have had the same idea as MGAs outnumbered all other MGs.


The run its self was well received, credit for that must go to the weather Gods for lifting the cloud and opening up the views and a venue with such a good reputation.


Tiger Natters are held from 12:00 noon on the first Wednesday of the month at The Tiger Inn, Lairgate, Beverley, HU17 8JG.


Contact Pete or Mel 01964 550693 or