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Natter News

South Yorkshire-Mike Breedon June Notes

South Yorkshire Natter Notes for June

With the ever changing but lightly easing Covid restrictions this month a few of the SY Natter members found ways of abiding by the rules but enjoying some personally arranged outdoor events. The “Wednesday MG Walk” group of Mal, Keith, Geoff, Cliff and Mike continued throughout this month along with several other individual members taking in the great outdoors.


Fortunately for the SY Natter members, Geoff’s mind never stops wandering into “what can we do next” mode and along with “we can do that” Mal, they came up with a great idea for a run and event in July in memory of Brian Lewis, a long term member and supporter of the SY Natter who sadly passed away. The plan was put into “assessment and finalisation mode” which involved plotting and finalising a route from the Fox Valley Centre to the new museum/centre at the newly opened Great British Car Journey Centre, Ambergate, Derby, for 11th July 2021. The route is confirmed and after a bit of a struggle we have 26 SY Natter Members and their cars booked on the ruin and for entry to the GBCJ Center to view lots of the different makes of British manufactured cars.


Literally at the last minute it was found to be possible to have access to the long term SY Natter meeting venue, The old Post Offices at Haigh, to book meals at socially and current Covid restriction distanced tables. Not exactly a Natter meeting in full but great to see members “in the flesh” rather than just on a hectic Zoom meeting video call.


Hopefully the start of a more normal period of MGCC Natter meetings and events this year.


Mike Breedon,  South Yorkshire Natter Notes Scribe

01226 792208

07985 307779


    • A picture showing the front cover of the route book for the “Drive and Visit event” to the Great British Car Journey Centre in memory of Brian Lewis.