July Natter Notes South Yorkshire – Mike Breedon.
July saw the South Yorkshire Natter open up activities to the limits allowed by the latest Covid Restrictions and advice. One major difference was finally being able to put together an event in memory of Brian Lewis with a 50 mile route (researched and prepared by Mal) to the newly opened Great British Car Journey Facility (GBCJ), Ambergate, Derby. Mike, Mal and Geoff negotiated a deal with the GBCJ Management to get a good price per individual for entry.
It was great to see familiar faces and enjoy a picnic at the GBCJ outdoor seating area after such a long time. Strict Covid restrictions had been established for entry to the GBCJ and fully complied with by SY Natter members at all times. It was also a pleasant surprise to see the MGCC Yorkshire Centre President, Alan Dakeyne arrive at the venue in support of this outing. This event was very well attended with 14 MG’s of all ages joining the run and the entry to the facility in memory of Brian.
Val Lewis expressed her thanks to all the South Yorkshire Natter members for their support for Brian by putting on and attending this event.
Initially the annual Pride of Ownership event was due to be at the July Natter but inclement weather has intervened and it will now be carried out at a later Natter.
With the lifting of Covid Restrictions, the SY Natter July meeting was held back at the pre Covid venue, The Old Post Office at Haigh on the 4th Wednesday of the month which saw some new members attend their first “live” Natter. The Old Post Office is now under new management and we offer our thanks to them for their support of the SY Natter and for the excellent service and quality of the meals they provided for the every hungry SY Natter members.
Several SY Natter members are entered to take part in the Compass run scheduled for 1st August 2021 with a planned overnight stop as well and for the Dales Run on the 28th August, again extended plans for over night stop and further activities after the run.
- YB Malcolm,MGA Vaughan, MGA Keith
- MG’s on CBCJ Run