Ken Cothliff
Our April Natter night was on Thursday 9 April and was to prove very competitive. During the intervening month since March we had a busy time. After a great evening at the Shipley Bowl organized by Colin Brear on All Fools Day, (no joke intended!), we all went for a great curry. Jack Tinker won the Natter Bowling Trophy with an excellent score of 12. Kate Marsden won the ladies prize. The following Sunday, Easter Day, the Natter put in a good attendance at the Centre’s Daffodil Run – see report in this magazine.
The Natter’s evening was our popular slot car racing competition, organized by Nick Mann and Colin Brear. Bill Poole won the mens’ prize after a tough scrap, and Kate the ladies prize. Jeff Marsden was congratulated on his performance at Mallory Park – 2nd in class, 3rd overall and fastest time in his racing TD.
We’ll all be going to the Gliding Club at Sutton Bank with the 24/39 Group for Drive It Day.
The busy summer continues
Photo’s of past events can you name them?