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Natter NewsNews Page

North – Colin Brear

Our first meeting of 2017 was the AGM. There was a great rush of volunteers to be an Official. So no change from last year! However I take over the roll as North Yorkshire Scribe. We have a full and busy MG year ahead, with the first event being our Christmas Dinner held on the 14th January, complete with hats and crackers and a choice of excellent food. All thoroughly enjoyed our get together.

The 2017 events agreed at the January North Yorkshire AGM keep coming. A very busy year is planned. Nick Mann brought his Scalextric to the February Natter, always a very competitive and enjoyable evening’s entertainment, our ladies being just as competitive as the men! So thanks go to Nick.

The March Natter features a talk by Gordon May ‘Overland to Vietnam’ by motorbike. Gordon is an excellent speaker and has many interesting stories to tell.