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Natter Notes March 2019

North – Nick Mann
The February meeting consisted of a talk by Anne Buckley concerning the mainly German high ranking officers who had been taken prisoner during the First World War and their incarceration near Skipton. They were tended to by fellow soldiers from the lower ranks of the German army who had been similarly taken prisoner. It was a fascinating presentation and greatly enjoyed by all who attended. With the unseasonably warm weather we are currently enjoying it has been great to get out in the MG for some drives, long may it continue, although I strongly suspect there may be yet more winter weather to come!

South – Geoff Norcliffe
Thanks go to Malcolm Perry for his work as natter leader as he stood down in February after three years, one year more than the normal term of office here. After much barrel scraping to find a replacement, I took over from Malc for the next two years.
We have our Drive it Day on 28th April, visiting South Yorkshire Transport Museum, there is always room for more so let me know if you want to go.

East – Brian Rylance
At the Award Luncheon the East Enthusiast Trophy was awarded to Jill and Greg Thornton, for Outstanding Contribution to the Yorkshire Centre John Milner was awarded the trophy for his many years’ service as the centre treasure rand finally the Centre Enthusiast Trophy went to Ray Snowley

West – David Copeman
At the recent Awards Luncheon our natter had a great selection of silver ware.
Carol received the West Enthusiast, we also won the photographic competition with a photo taken by Carol in Italy during the MG by the Sea event, the inter-natter quiz team of Geoff Morris, Alan French, Phillip Kent and myself took the trophy, Auto Sport went to James Johnson and the Young Enthusiast to his son Archie

Tiger – Pete Welbourn
The recent spate of unseasonal good weather persuaded me to get my act together and fix a couple of leaks in our old red B’s engine bay, and maybe use it to get to the Awards Dinner, the maintenance was completed but a more comfortable old car got us to the Dinner. Many thanks go to the organisers Mel and I had a good time in good company.

We have just returned from checking the route for our March luncheon run to Bert’s Bistro at Brandesburton, you will be pleased to hear the route today included lots of mud as we passed the Pocklington Flood Prevention Scheme, more than a few pot holes and some stunning views across the Wolds.

Vale of York – Ken Cothliff
The good Lord must favour our Natter meetings – yet again sunshine blessed the day. Tony Margel arrived in his VA, and Bob Beth Walker in their old 1932 F-type. Our Area President Alan Dakeyne was enamoured enough with the day to bring his 1950s ZB Magnette. We welcomed new MGCC member John Gott from Pudsey owner of an MG M-type.

We congratulated David Fletcher and the first winner of our new Natter enthusiast trophy. Dave and Dennis are now planning the Heartbeat Run for May Whitsun weekend. Many conversations varied around events for the forthcoming summer season, and yours truly went through the calendar and the possibility of a run to the Real Aeroplane Collection at Breighton.