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Nomination Name: David Copeman Membership Number: 91573

I re-joined the MGCC over 15 years ago, which had changed from the North East Centre to the Yorkshire Centre. Personally I have had many positions in the Yorkshire Centre and I’m currently MGCC Chairman of the Yorkshire Centre and North Yorkshire Natter Leader.
So although representing the CRB, I know the nominee very well.

David Copeman has been a member of the Yorkshire Centre for many years, you will be able to check when he joined, but I surmise over 20 years.
David has on many occasions kept the Centre, alive and kicking, through enthusiasm and great help from his wife Carol.
Over the years David has held many positions, both within the Centre and as Natter Leader.
The positions to my knowledge I know he has had or currently holds are listed below:

• Past Chairman of the MGCC Yorkshire Centre
• Current West Yorkshire Natter Leader (A position he has held for many years).
• Currently in charge of the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Website
• Past Yorkshire Centre Database Manager
• Past Senior Scribe for the Yorkshire Centre Natter Notes in Safety Fast.
• Has produced many Yorkshire Centre and West Yorkshire ‘Event Tulip Runs’.
• Has attended more than one European Tour.
• Very supportive of other Centre activities and Events and Runs.
• Currently on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Committee.
• A great knowledge of procedure and past events, helpful to the current Chair.

I’m sure there are many other activities I should include, but as can be seen he is very pro – active in the Yorkshire Centre and very supportive to me as current Chair.

The expression “Behind every good man is a good woman” is certainly true with David as usually very close by is Carol. They work as a great team, but David carries the title.

All members within the CRB, appreciate what David does for the Club. It’s always the few that benefit the many. As the years go by and members get older, it gets harder to find excellent help, which David Copeman delivers to a very high standard every time.

Colin Brear

Colin Brear, Chairman MG Car Club Yorkshire Centre and North Yorkshire Natter Leader.