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MGCC Racing-Donington Park

14/07/2018 – 15/07/2018 all-day
Donington Park
Castle Donington
Derby DE74 2RP

Spectators are welcome at all MG Car Club race meetings, with tickets available from the individual circuits. We operate with open paddocks, pits and grandstands, allowing visitors to get the full motorsport experience. Parade laps take place during the lunch break, giving car club members the opportunity to drive their beloved MG around the circuit.

Just to let you know that we will be arranging parade laps on the Sunday but not Saturday when there will be a grid walk at lunchtime. There will be the usual Hospitality Suite facilities too where signing on for the parade laps will be based. If anyone needs more details they can contact me by e-m or on 01469 560867 or 07879616778. Best regards Geoff Hirst

 As you are probably aware the Club is running a race meeting at Donington in mid-July, in partnership with the Morgan Sports Car Club (MSCC).
The track action will have all ages of MGs including MMM and T Types, our championships, Equipe GTS and our Morgan friends.
The T Register was looking for a venue to hold its annual T Party, and accepted my suggestion that we support the Club racers and hold it at Donington since the date fits the Register calendar.
On reflection I thought that if I was to do some liaison work for the T Register it was no extra effort to open the opportunity to the rest of MGCC and MSCC. To cut a long story short, so far the Z Register have taken up the offer and will hold their Saloon Day there, and so have the Midlands Centre and MSCC.
There is a huge amount of space available on the infield at Donington for this sort of thing, and when I visited them today with representatives of MGCC and MSCC our ideas received an enthusiastic response from the circuit management.
·         What is proposed is a gathering of any CRBs who would like to attend for all or any part of the weekend, for an informal gathering.
·         Bring your flags and easy-ups if you want. The only cost will be that members will need to buy tickets (we are in negotiations on a deal for this).
·         I am working with a commercial campsite with immediate access to the circuit, and they will provide catering and a bar for those wishing to camp (normal camping charges will apply).
·         I’ll be looking to get some catering vans in the infield to serve the expected numbers.
·         I have a discount deal organised with the Donington Collection museum for those interested.
1.      We have negotiated a club member advance order discount for entry to the event of 10% ordered through the Donington Park website.
            Please go to:
The discount code is: MGDON
 Discounted tickets are not available on the gate, and advance booking closes midday Wednesday 11 July.
2. The arrangements for the Campsite are here.
            Booking via