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Centre Notes September 2022

North Natter – Jeff Marsden – We didn’t attend the Natter as we were on the T Type Autumn Tour based at Aldwark Manor Hotel and covered the N.York Moors and the eastern Dales. Natter night was a “Games night” of indoor games expertly organised by Mike and Val Payne.  The hilarious fun was taken quite seriously and the eventual winners were Carol Copeman, Paul Friend and Jack Tinker.

Sixteen cars attended the Burley Classic Car Show and unfortunately David and Carol Copeman’s RV8 was demoted to the Aston Martin group, but a good time was had by all.

The next Natter will be a talk by George Martin on the Vulcan Bomber as the originally booked speaker on his classic car business has withdrawn. Also, some members will be going for an Asian lunch at “Sweet Basil” restaurant.

The last meeting of Equipe GTS at the Silverstone National circuit saw James and I running in separate races; James in Libre and me in GTS.  No spectacular results as we both continued mid field and no “offs” or incidents either so a good service will see the B ready for next season.


Rick Illingworth – Vale of York – The Vale of York Natter continues to meet at lunchtime on the third Thursday of the month at The Bay Horse, Goldsborough , near Knaresborough.

Although a number of members were away on holiday a total of 15 members attended and some went on a short drive in the afternoon to Yolk Farm Shop near Boroughbridge .

Members are considering further short drive destinations for the afternoon of future Natter meetings.


Terry Hartley – 24/39 Group – On Sunday 11th Sept Yorkshire Centre members from the 24/39 Group, North Yorks, West Yorks and the VoY natters attended the Otley Vintage Transport Extravaganza. Back for the first time after pandemic restrictions. 14 cars graced the Club’s stand showing a wide range of MG models spanning 1932 to 2005 including M, F and P types, VA, MGA, ZB, MGB, RV8 and TF.

East – Jill Thornton – Due to the nation’s sad news attendance for the Natter was low. Guest speaker Nick Baland gave an informative and entertaining presentation on our urban butterflies.  Members joined local clubs supporting Forman’s autumn charity run on Sunday 18th September. Remember to check the Centre website for details of the East Yorkshire Car Club Christmas run and lunch on Sunday 4th December. All Natters, friends and family are welcome. Once again we will be running our highly competitive Scalextric Challenge at the December Natter on Thursday 8th December!! We have another talk from the very interesting local historian Dennis Chapman at the November 10th Natter. The final days of Arthur Wilson (of Tranby Croft, where the infamous Baccarat Scandal occurred).


West – David Copeman Two events attended in September the Otley Vintage Transport Extravaganza the Yorkshire centre stand organized by Terry Hartley (24/39 Group) had a good cross section of MG models on display in amongst a wide variety of classic vehicles, with arena events, fun fair and numerous stalls the weather was good and the day was enjoyed by all who attended. We finished September with the Foreman’s charity run around East Yorkshire organised by Ray Snowley starting with breakfast finishing with late lunch and a very enjoyable scenic run in-between.


South – Mike Breedon – A busy month from the end of August with the Dales Run to see through first which was almost immediately followed by 21 members including Cliff Hobbs who drove across to join us from his new home and 11 MG’s heading to Wales for 7 days. A full report on what was called the Red Dragon Tour appears separately elsewhere on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre web site and will be in Safety Fast next month. In addition, 6 members paid a visit to the Lamp Room Theatre, Barnsley, for an evening of culture and David Gillingham took his V8 MGB Roadster to the MGB60 event. Fortunately for South Yorkshire Natter, we have gained 3 additional members over the last month or two, the latest being Richard and Claire Askham and their nicely presented Maestro!! A rarity indeed these days, especially one in such lovely condition.