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Centre Notes November 2022


END of November 2022


North – Jeff Marsden – A very good turnout at the Tempest to listen to James Thornborough tell us about Downton Engineering, the “go to” tuning company for MGs in the 60’s and 70’s.  A real enthusiast with a “Downton” MGC, he described the company’s rise and fall as well as the cars they produced and their identification.  Good to have an MGCC member giving a talk.

The rest of the evening was taken up by welcoming another new member and the programme of events leading up to the January meeting at the new temporary venue of The Wheatley Arms in Ben Rhydding, Ilkley where the group will formulate a 2023 programme.  Colin Brear retires as Natter Leader in January and thanks go to him for doing an absolutely splendid job, as did his predecessors, of keeping us all enthused and focussed. We do not have a December meeting.


West – David Copeman – Yorkshire young members were once again manning their stand at the Classic Car Show Birmingham NEC. Chris Flanagan’s red SV was also one of the rare cars at the show. Hopefully there will be no events cancelled in 2023 due to lack of support.

Wishing you all “Happy MG-ing in 2023”.


Jill Thornton – East – We had a brilliant attendance in November where we were treated to a very interesting talk and slideshow by local historian Dennis Chapman.  As you will be reading this in January, I can’t update you on the December Scalextric winner or how our Christmas run and lunch went!!  Hopefully you all enjoyed your celebrations and are looking forward to another year MG’ing!!


Mike Breedon – South – MGCC Yorkshire Centre were invited to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Helipad Unit at5 Nostel to officially hand over the final amount donated to YAA from the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Dales Run. Geoff Norcliffe, Malcolm Perry and Mike Breedon of the South Yorkshire Natter and Paul Croft from the North Yorkshire Natter (all who helped prepare all aspects of the Dales Run in 2022) went and were treated to a very warm welcome. As the weather was bad enough to prevent the helicopter taking off it meant the entire YAA Helicopter Crew could show all of us around the Helicopter and their base demonstrating equipment and capabilities of the team. A great way to spend a morning for all those who went. Many thanks to all those who donated to the YAA when entering the Dales Run, a generosity very much appreciated.

Lots of ideas were discussed for events in 2023 at the November SY Natter and the enthusiasm from those present to progress some of those ideas was very satisfying. Lots of planning to do but for SY Natter Members it looks like a busy year ahead.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy and successful year in 2023, Happy MG-ing

Rick Illingworth – Vale of York – The November natter was again held at The Bay Horse Inn, Goldsborough near Knaresborough at the usual time of noon on the third Thursday of the month. 12 members braved the very wet weather to enjoy the varied menu on offer. Plans are well advanced for the Natter Christmas lunch party on December 15th. Please contact the Natter leader to book your places. The natter are seeking members to assist The Harrogate MG Club to provide a timeline of MG. cars at “Tractor Fest” at Newby Hall on 10th / 11th June 2023.