East – Jill Thornton Good attendance at the January Natter, we use the first Natter of the year to allocate tasks and firm up dates for this year’s events.
A great show of hands to organise our four evening social runs on the very last Thursday of May, June, July and August. We normally start at the Humber Bridge car park and finish at a pub for meals for those who wish to eat. Will confirm start and timings nearer the dates. Wolds Way run will be on Sunday 14th May, details will be on the Yorkshire Centre calendar of events in due course.
North – Jeff Marsden January Natter was held at our new (temporary) venue of The Wheatley Arms at Burley Woodhead. We shall be meeting here until we can return to The Tempest Arms after its refurbishment, hopefully in June. The first item on the agenda was the sad news that Sandra Poole had died on 28th December and a minutes silence was observed.
The Natter leader, Colin Brear, stood down after 5 years of stellar service but as usual there were no volunteers for succession. The meeting, which had a turnout of 27 members, continued with the creation of a diary of events and various members offered their services for each item, the first being a Sunday lunch at Skipton Golf Club on 5th February. To try and ease the “headless” branch situation a WhatsApp group was set up to keep most people informed of up to date information. The next Natter will be a quiz night organised by David Copeman. It is possible that leadership by committee will evolve and someone will eventually dominate the proceedings?
South – Mike Breedon South Natter events got underway quickly when 12 cars turned out for the Chilly Willy Run on 1st January 2023. A route of about 45 miles organised by Pete Long and Keith Pinder which went well. Plans and bookings went on through December and January to book 6 days in Northumberland and the Scottish Borders in September, not easy to fund accommodation as most were already booked up. The start point, Route and finish point for the Daffodil Run on 16th April 2023 were all finalised by Malcolm Perry and the route Map Outline was sent off to Ray Snowley to obtain a permit Number. Entry Forms are now available on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre web site, www.mgccyorkshire.co.uk .