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Centre Notes January 2022

MGCC Yorkshire Centre all Natter Notes for end of January 2022


Jeff Marsden – North Yorkshire.

Our first Natter of 2022 was held at The Tempest Arms, Elslack on Thursday 13th .

The Chair, Colin Brear, read out the relevant news and confirmed the programme of events for the rest of the year. The members were then coerced into doing a quiz which was won by Paul and Rosemary Croft after a tie break couple of questions. The remainder of the evening was a general chat amongst members. On Sunday, a large number of members sat down for lunch at the Skipton Golf Club, organised by Mike Payne.

The next Natter will be a talk by Mr George Martin on “102 Years of the RAF”.

As a reminder of what I am looking forward to albeit maybe not in these types of conditions, here is a photo of my MGB racing in very wet conditions at Silverstone. Many thanks to Peter Finch for allowing the photo to be reproduced here.


Rick Illingworth – Vale of York.

As Rick Illingworth takes over the role of Natter Leader the New Year started with 25 members attending a lunchtime meeting at the new venue of The Bay Horse Inn at Goldsborough, near Knaresborough, HG5 8NW. The venue was very well received and further meetings on the third Thursday of the month have already been booked. Members thanked Ken Cothliff for all his hard work in establishing this thriving Natter. Plans are in hand for some members to attend the Yorkshire Centre Annual lunch on 20th February  which coincides with President Alan Dakeyne’s 90th birthday.

The route for the Heartbeat run on Sunday 29th May 2022 is being finalised and further details will be issued in due course.



David Copeman – West Yorkshire.

The January meeting saw a slight increase in members attending, hopefully this will continue with the Covid restrictions now being lifted. Carol & I joined the Vale of York at their new venue the Bay Horse at Goldsborough and also went to the MGF/TF late Christmas Lunch.

All latest centre events for 2022 can be found on the website



Mike Breedon – South Yorkshire.

South Yorkshire Natter had a very enjoyable Christmas Dinner in Bakewell followed by a Chilly Willy Run on New Years Day, both well attended and enjoyed by those present. Members have also spent many hours already coming up with ideas for events plus supporting the preparation of annual events such The Daffodil Run which will be run on 10th April 2022.

A long term supporter of many events is Cliff Hobbs but this Natter is about to lose his knowledge and support as Cliff is relocating further south. Natter members showed their appreciation by presenting Cliff with a very nice Tankard and thanked him and his late wife Janice for their input over many years.

Looking ahead, South Yorkshire Natter members are obviously gluttons for involvement in all Yorkshire Centre events as they recently volunteered to take on organisation and preparation of the Dales Run due to take place on 28th August 2022. Check the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Web site later for updates and entry forms.