Vale of York End Ken Cothliffe – A disappointing turnout at the Natter, just 6 members plus guests. Tyne & Tees Noel Lindford and Kay promoted their Autumn Leaves Run on 3rd October. (VoY Members are welcome – check the Tyne Tees website for details.). Rik and Val had with them an old friend, John, who lives in Calgary, and is a leading light in the local MG Club, probably our most distant attendee.
Our Natter schedule running to the end of 2021 has an invite to attend the Classic Car Show at the Golden Lion Hotel in Northallerton, meet in the car park at the rear of the hotel on same day as the TT Autumn Leaves Run – Sunday 3rd October. Our end of season run is on 20th October, a repeat of a local run around our area, starting a 10am in the parking area next to the Masons, and finishing with lunch at the Anchor Inn. The November 18th meeting will be a talk by Paul Ireland, member of TT Group about the E5/E10 petrol and its ramifications. For December 16th we have booked the Anchor for our Christmas Party, with all the trimmings and a raffle.
Nobody stepped forward to take over from Rod Moreton as treasurer when he stood down so Julie has offered to step in and hold the funds. Sadly Ken Cothliffe will relinquish the role of the Natter Leader and hand over to Rik Illingworth at the end of the year, but Ken will continue as scribe for the entry into the Safety Fast Report, the Xmas Party will be his last as Natter Leader.
West Natter Notes – David Copeman – West had a low attendance for the September natter with regular members missing due to holidays, family and work related, hopefully next month will be back to normal. Members took part in the East Yorkshire run organised by Ray Snowley starting and finishing at Foreman’s garage with bacon baps to start with and a jacket potato at the finish, an excellent day out.
The Bradford Telegraph and Argus ran an interesting article
Life on the road: motoring across Europe in an MG (click on links to see feature)
East Natter Notes – Bryan Rylance – Ray Snowley livened up things with just under 40 cars on the August Freedom Run, north to the Whitby area with testing roads and navigation. That was followed by nearly 30 cars on September’s South Riding run down to Spurn Point which was more relaxed. Two very contrasting routes with sporadic rain affecting both, but we are a tough lot here in Yorkshire.
Neither run could have taken place without the facilities and effort put in by Janet Foreman and her team of volunteers. Breakfast and Afternoon Teas went down very well on both events for which about £1,500 was raised for Janet Foreman Charity.
Already working on run with the same format for March or early April. We continue to support the Dales run and look forward to the 23rd October when we get to face to face again.
North Natter Notes – Jeff Marsden / Colin Brear – Action and runs for North members for September had four Members (two T Type cars) thoroughly enjoying the ‘T Register 2021 Autumn Tour to the Malvern’s whilst Colin and Miriam Brear drove their MG ZT 260 in Presidion to the Triumph & MG weekend at Malvern also, obviously the place to be this year!!
Sadly after 15 years of arranging the Dales Run, Paul and Rosemary Croft have sadly decided that 2021 will be the last one for them. Thanks to Paul and Rosemary Croft, the Dales Run has been a significant success throughout with the aim of raising funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, the target of £15,000 so nearly met. The run is also a credit to the North Natter members who helped to make it happen but especially to Paul and Rosemary Croft who over the years have put in an awful lot of enthusiasm and commitment to make the event a success and attracting a significant number of entrants and raise funds for the Air Ambulance through their generosity each year.
The End of Season Run planned for 18th September had to be postponed but is now moved to Sunday 10th October.
Tiger Natter – Peter Welbourne – The Tiger natter, formed by Stuart Mumby several years ago was one of the earliest lunchtime natters to be established within the MG Car Club.
Stuart is a former natter leader of the East Yorkshire natter who held their meetings at the Tiger Inn in Beverley, East Yorkshire, during his time and so that same venue was a natural choice for the new lunchtime natter. The natter was immediately popular to those who were able to attend a midweek, midday natter and though Stuart stood down as natter leader some time ago.
The Tiger Natter continues to thrive under the leadership of Pete Welbourne, meeting at 1200 on the first Wednesday of the month at the Tiger Inn, Beverley, where a tasty lunch and a good natter are enjoyed by the members.
Like other natters, there are many social runs that the members enjoy but a specific feature of this natter are the “Lunch in the Country” scenic runs ending at a suitable hostelry for, yes, you’ve guessed it, a tasty lunch and a good natter. The Lunch in the Country runs are generally organised by different members of the Natter ensuring varied routes and venues. There are an interesting variation of MGs at the natter ranging from pre war to today’s models.
South Yorkshire Natter Notes – Mike Breedon September saw the SY Natter celebrate its 25 years continuous Natter function with a Silver Jubilee Celebration event take place over 6 Days from 10-16 September. 23 Natter members and a variety of 12 MG models started with a run to Scarborough via the Motor Café at Sherburn in Elmet, swiftly followed by a run to the next motor café, the NY500 at Pickering. On from there to Thornton Le Dale for a look around the famous Mathewson’s establishment before heading up to Ganton for an overnight stay in the Greyhound Hotel. On the 11th it was an early start with a planned route for a Coast to Coast Run from Scarborough to Morecambe, a total drive of almost 160 miles. That was followed by an overnight stop in Lancaster before those taking part caught the ferry from Heysham to the Isle of Man for 4 nights. The first full day saw a morning visit to the Jurby Motor Museum booked in advance to look round a very eclectic selection of cars and motor bikes. After that, individuals spent time during each day viewing their own choice of interesting places with most also taking advantage to drive the entire TT Course. That being an eye opener as to how difficult that must be for those actually taking part in the TT races each year. A great opportunity to socialise came each evening with dinner and time afterwards spent in the same hotel. A great event and a good opportunity for members to drive their cars for a longer time and distance than usual over 6 days and also be able to socialise and explore the Isle of Man.
Many thanks to Geoff and Pauline Norcliffe for all the support they have put into keeping the Natter alive and vibrant over its first 25 years and for suggesting and managing the arrangements for this event which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part.
SY Natter nights continue at the Old Post Office Haigh on the 4th Wednesday each month.
- Dinner Time
- MG’s outside Jurby Motor Museum
- Homeward Bound