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Centre Notes for March




EAST  – Jill Thornton.   Well, I seem to have come a full circle as many years ago I was scribe for East Yorkshire, passing over to Brian Rylance and this year after many more years I have accepted the mantle again!!

March Natter was well attended and it was good to see some more familiar faces.

24th April is Drive It day and East Yorkshire member Ray Snowley has organised a run starting from J H Foreman Ltd, Station Garage, Cranswick. YO25 9QY. The entry fee of £12.50 per person includes breakfast, route and a late lunch. We assemble from 10am with the first car away at 11am. Due to catering, entries must be pre booked. To enter and for further information please contact Ray Snowley at with your name, number of persons and vehicle details. Last year £1800 was donated to charity.

The Wolds Way Silver Jubilee Run is on Sunday 8th May, further information can be found on the Centres calendar of events.

Evening social runs on the LAST Thursday of the month will start in May and run June, July and August too. In the past we have started from the Humber Bridge carpark but we need to check that this is still ok. Leave 7pm prompt and finish at a pub for food if required. Will post an update next month.


NORTH – Jeff Marsden.   I was away at Goodwood testing suspension set ups on the B so I didn’t attend this meeting. Although a number of apologies for absence, the main body of the Natter arrived early to get their fish suppers, which were delicious and I believe a regular Thursday evening menu item at The Tempest Arms. With the inner being satisfied, the meeting continued with news of future events. Following the passing of a well respected Natter member, Dennis Greenwood, a collection of members’ MG’s followed the funeral cortege and Dennis’ YB to the funeral. A fitting send off. A bit quiet on the “Northern” front but hopefully everyone’s enthusiasm will improve in tune with the weather and decline in virus infections.  What is needed is a virus that makes us all feel younger and positive!  Perhaps a cue for Porton Down?


SOUTH – Mike Breedon.   South Natter was very busy during March with preparations and arrangements well underway for the Daffodil Run event on 10 April 2022. Malcolm Perry taking in all the entries with a decent number entered at the time of writing. Malcolm also arranged a Black Diamond Guided Tour of Wentworth Woodhouse which was very well supported by 15 SY Natter Members. An excellent 90 minute tour of the house by a very enthusiastic lady who definitely knew the property. In addition, Mal, Keith and Mike did a 3 day recce to Wales to ensure hotels were up to spec and search out the local areas for decent roads to drive and to find any places of interest to recommend in preparation for the South Yorkshire Natter’s Welsh invasion on the Red Dragon Tour in September 2022. In addition, work is gathering pace on preparing the Dales Run for 28 August 2022. All in all, a very active and busy month for members of the South Yorkshire Natter



VALE of YORK – Rick Illingworth.          The March Natter was again held at lunchtime on the third Thursday of the month  at the new venue of The Bay Horse Inn, Goldsborough, near Knaresborough. HG5 8NW. 14 members were in attendance and the new venue continues to be well received.

At the April Natter it is intended to discuss options for a short drive on the afternoon after future monthly Natters. One suggestion so far is to drive to the Motorist Café in Sherburn in Elmet which is growing in popularity amongst car clubs and their members.

The route for the Heartbeat run planned for Sunday 29th May 2022 ,  starting from Romanby near Northallerton before proceeding into Heartbeat country, has now been finalised and further details will be announced in due course.