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Centre Notes December 2021



 MGCC Yorkshire Centre – Fortunately with just limited Covid restrictions applied, members arranged and enjoyed Christmas Dinners instead of a Natter. Looking ahead, there will be a Yorkshire Centre “No Awards” Lunch held at 1230 at the Bridge Hotel & Spa, Wetherby for Alan Dakeyne who will be celebrating his 90th Birthday. Further ahead, plans are well advanced for the annual list of Runs and events starting with the Daffodil Run on 10th April 2022. Full details will be shown in Safety Fast and on the MGCC Yorkshire Centre Web Site as soon as they are all confirmed.

Bryan Rylance – East Natter Notes end of November 2021.

East Yorkshire Natter Christmas Run and Lunch at Cave Castle was well attended with members, family and visitors. Our thanks to organiser Christine Benson.

The December East Yorkshire Natter Scalextric Event at Warton Arms drew 28 members and visitors who battled it out with Steve Pourtney taking the prize, and Wayne Dawson the runner up.

Colin and Miriam Brear, MGCC Ltd Yorkshire Centre Chairman, travelled from North Yorkshire to join us. Colin awarded Josh Langstaff the Airedale Trophy for his outstanding contribution to the Yorkshire Centre. Miriam judged the best Christmas jumper which went to Steve Moore.

Jeff Marsden – North Yorks Natter Notes.

As we don’t have a meeting in December it has been a hive of inactivity!

There was a lunch organised that was reported in the last missive and the only thing to look forward to is a lunch on 16th January if we are allowed to meet – suppose we could call it a political business meeting to by-pass officialdom.

Several V8 members attended a lunch at the Motor Hub at Sherburn in Elmet, two from our Natter.

All cars will now presumably tucked away for their hibernation apart from those requiring attention for next years racing, refurbs and upgrade modifications.

I hope to campaign the TC in 2022 so will have to motivate myself to strip the engine and do a few allowable mods to improve its top end speed and cornering abilities.  Hope to be comparing notes and ideas with some of the Aussie racers.

Ken Cothliff – Vale of York Natter Notes End of November 2021

Just note for my last monthly report. We had our last meeting at the Anchor Inn at Whixley. I formally handed over the Natter to Rick Illingworth who is taking over as leader. Expressions of thanks were made, including one from our Yorkshire Area President, Alan Dakeyne. There were 19 Members present for our Christmas Party, including guests from Tyne Tees Centre, Tony Wood and Noel with Kaye. Next month’s meeting will be at a new location, the Bay Horse Inn, Goldsborough, Knaresborough, HG5 8NW, just of the A59, west of the A1M.

We will plan our big event, the Heartbeat Run on Sunday 29th May 2022, and will have to have volunteers to help run it. Let Rick know if you can help – Dave Fletcher has confirmed he has the run route planned.

Thanks to all of you who have supported me, especially Julie, over the years since we started the Natter. I think we can say it has been a success, and we look forward a new direction under Rick’s leadership.

So please advise Rick, of your intention to come

Mike Breedon – South Natter Notes end of November 2021

Members enjoyed a steady run to Bakewell for a Christmas Dinner and looking ahead; Plans are well on the way for the Daffodil Run on the 10th April 2022. Full details will appear in Safety Fast and on the Yorkshire Centre Web Site as soon as they are confirmed. Several members braved the now regular “Chilly Willy Run” on 1st January 2022, starting at the Langsett Café and ending at the “Oil Can Café”, organised by Pete Long and Keith Pinder.