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Centre Notes April 2022

By 03/05/2022June 3rd, 2022No Comments


 All Natter Notes for End of April 2022

 East – Jill Thornton

Slightly lower attendance at the April Natter due to a few members on Easter breaks.

Graham Tabor brought in some dubious photos from a fancy dress Natter sometime in the late 1990’s, those were the days!! (Photo attached). Evening social runs continue on Thursday 30th June, Thursday 28th July and Thursday 25th August.  Leave 7pm prompt from the Humber Bridge car park, finishing at a pub for food if you wish. We will be holding the  self judged Pride of Ownership event at the June Natter on the 9th of June 2022.


South – Mike Breedon

April was a busy month for the South Natter, Daffodil Run on the 10th held in glorious sunshine went really well, a full report appeared in last months Safety Fast. Plans for the Dales Run on 28th August 2022 were moving ahead and Malcolm Perry is now the point of contact for that event,  Drive it Day was supported by members of the South Natter with a brunch start at the Hind Rotherham followed by a 25 mile planned route finishing at the South Yorkshire Air Museum. Once everyone had viewed the excellent Museum, some headed over to the Bean Scene at Everton for lunch before all heading off into the sun and home. Another great day out.

I took a lot of photographs from two different locations on the Daffodil run, if you email me and include your registration number, if I have one of your car, I will send you a copy.


West – David Copeman

April started well with an excellent South Yorkshire Daffodil Run on one of the best days this year weather wise, East Yorkshire’s Drive it day Run from Foreman’s garage was a great finish for the April runs. Natter numbers are slowly increasing and lighter nights may tempt the MG’s out from under their winter covers.


North – Jeff Marsden

A fun and busy time through April at the North Natter starting with members entering the Daffodil Run, an enjoyable drive in glorious sunshine enjoyed by all. That was followed by an Easter egg hunt at the Tempest Arms organised by Margaret and Keith which also included a competition for the best Easter Bonnet, won by Mike Payne That was followed by a bowling and Curry evening – in that order! Most were a little rusty in technique, but the winners were Mike Payne and Wilma Tinker. On the 24th, members from North and West Natters took part in a Drive it day run to the Sherborn Aero Club which was shared with the York Historic Vehicle Group.

Vale of York – Rick Illingworth

The April Natter was held at lunchtime on the third Thursday of the month at The Bay Horse Inn, Goldsborough, HG5 8NW. There were 15 members in attendance and the new venue continues to be well received with a good car park and a very varied menu to suit all tastes and appetites. The fine weather encouraged a number of members to bring along their MGs.

After the April Natter there will be a short drive in the afternoon to the Motorist Café in Sherburn In Elmet. The route for the Heartbeat run on Sunday 29th May 2022, starting from Romanby, Nr Northallerton, before proceeding into Heartbeat country, has been finalised and entries are now being taken.



MGCC Yorkshire Centre – Upcoming Events

June most Natters hold their Pride of Ownership Events at their June Natters. Contact your local Natter for dates and information.

31 July Compass Run –where only the finish point is known and Natters prepare their own routes to get to the finish point. For 2022 it will be at The Motorist, Sherburn in Elmet.

6-7 August Tyne Tees Golden Jubilee Weekend – contact

19-21 August Triumph & MG Weekend, Malvern Showground. Contact

28 August Dales Run – contact Malcolm Perry for details and entry