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Natter News

24/39 Group-Terry Hartley June Notes

24/39 Natter – Terry Hartley 

Back in 2008, after a successful Triple-M Register annual touring event held in Yorkshire, a few local participants said how much they enjoyed it and wouldn’t it be great if we locals could carry on meeting up. Soon after the MGCC Yorkshire 24/39 Group was formed specifically for members interested in pre-war MG’s (Vintage, Triple-M, SVW, TA and TB) whether they own one or not. Our attendees are, of course, MG Car Club members but they would probably not be inclined to attend other general natters as their area of interest is very specific. We meet bi-monthly (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) or at least we used to at The Scott’s Arms in Sicklinghall. By definition we are not a large Natter usually ten to fifteen people attend.


Currently most of our cars are either in long term restoration, undergoing essential strip down maintenance, or slowly coming out of pandemic hibernation. Pretty much can be said about the owners!!!


24/39 Group Photographs.

There are three photographs included here identified as follows;

  • The first image shows Keith Jackson’s 1935 PA Midget 4 seater undergoing cooling system repairs. Cream Portrait image
  • The second image shows Bob Walker’s 1932 F1 Magna having it’s dashboard electrics rewired. Silver landscape car image in untidy garage
  • The third image shows my 1935 NB Magnette 4 seater ready to fit a new crown wheel and pinion set to the rear axle.  Green interior car landscape image.


Keith’s car is now up and running and enjoying the current good weather.

Bob’s car is currently back on the road but receiving more pampering so it can be used by Bob’s grandson, Joe, for his wedding in July.#

My NB is still undergoing work and, hopefully, will be ready to enjoy some late summer use.